
Polythematic fantasias in Wurstisen lute book

- Yavor Genov

Wurstisen lute book contains twenty two fantasias in total. Main part of them are imitative pieces based on one or more thematic motives. The article in presence is focused on those part of them which can be assumed as polythmatic pieces. Investigation of the fantasias leads to idea of origin around the mid of 16th century. Statement that polythematic pieces generally belong to earlier stage of development of the repertory is confrmed by individual analyses of each pieces and it is also supported by some scholars. Part of the pieces bear certain authorship and are widespread in number of sources. Some of the atributions are studied in details by some musicologists. Their observations are involved at the present discussion.

The article shows that some of the earlier polythematic pieces had a “classical’ status and they were copied not only by Wurstisen but also by other compilers and lutenists of its generation. They were copied, colored, imitated and widespread as such during the late 16th century. The text in presence sheds light to the structural processes behind certain examples and simultaneously gives additional details about the formal and stylistic tendencies of the lute music in late 16th century. It is a part of bigger study dedicated to the Wurstisen lute book.
Polythematic fantasias in Wurstisen lute book

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