Categoría: THE LUTE

- Harpsichord and lute music in seventeenth-century France : an assessment of the influence of lute on keyboard repertoire

- English Lute manuscripts and scribes 1530-1630

- Taking Care of your Lute

- An introduction to gut strings on the lute

- Quando io penso al martire comparing sixteenth-century intabulations

- An Invisible Notation: On the Invention of German Lute Tablature

- Solo Lute Practice in Italy before Petrucci

- The First Printed Lute Instruction, Petrucci’s Regola

- Mus. Ms. 1511b: A Historical Review of a Lute Manuscript in the Herwarth Collection at the Bavarian Library, Munich

- Thomas Robinson The schoole of musicke : where is taught, the perfect method, of true fingering of the lute (1603)

- English Renaissance lute practice as reflected in Robert Dowland´s Variete of Lute-lessons

- The Lutes in the Museo de la música de Barcelona

- The lute and the polyphonist

- Vincenzo Capirola (1474-1548?) Compositione di meser Vincenzo Capirola

- Lute music of the Renaissance for guitar or lute

- The History of Transcriptions of Lute Tablature —1679 to the Present

- The scottish medieval lute

- The Renaissance thumb-under lute technique

- An Early 18th-Century Swedish Lute Tutor

- German Lute tablature recognition

- The music of castrato lutenist at the time of Caravaggio

- French Baroque Lute Music from 1650-1700

- Johan Anton Losy (1645-1721):A lutenist of Prague

- The use of renaissance vocal polyphonic music in the vihuela and lute repertoire

- The Airs de cour: The French Ornaments

- The role of lute in sixteenth-century consorts: Evidences from Terzi´s Intabulations