Categoría: THE LUTE

- Bembo to Barbetta: Lutes, Lutenists and Luthiers in Cinquecento Padua

- The Reception of Lute Pieces by the Silesian Lutenist Esaias Reusner Junior in the Levoča Manuscripts. The scribe case of Jacques Bittner

- The Late baroque lute Seen through S.L. Weiss

- The Dowland lute-songs : studies in hermetic form

- Selected Lute Music from Paris, Rés. Vmd. Ms. 27 from the Bibliothèque Nationale: Reconstruction, Edition, and Commentary

- The Reputation of Francesco da Milano (1497-1543) and the Ricercars in the Cavalcanti Lute Book

- The Renaissance thumb-under lute technique

- The Kraków Lute Tablature: A Source Analysis

- From Facsimile to Content Based Retrieval: the Electronic Corpus of Lute Music

- Giovanni Antonio Terzi and the lute intabulations of late sixteenth-century Italy

- Lute music in sixteenth-century German speaking countries: a study of the manuscripts Pl-Lzu M6983, Ch-Bu F.IX.70 and D-Si G.1.4.

- Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687–1750) A catalogue raisonné of recordings on the lute

- The Solo Lute Music of John Dowland

- Lachrimae, or Seaven Teares by John Dowland: Tears of Lost Innocence

- Making Lutes in Quattrocento Venice: Nicolò Sconvelt and his German Colleagues

- Reconstructing a lute by Sixtus Rauwolf

- Learning the lute in early modern England, c.1550-c.1640

- Embellishing lute music: Using the Renaissance Italian passaggi practice as a model and pedagogical tool for an increased improvisation vocabulary in the Baroque style

- The popular lute: an investigation of the function and performance of music in France between 1650 and 1700

- Lute tuning and temperament in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

- A Beginner’s Guide to the Renaissance Lute

- Approaching a Concept and Biology of Tone Production on Early Modern Lute Instruments

- “Folies d’Espagne” As A Show Of Iberistic-French Reception In Lute Tablature Compositions Preserved And Kept In Poland

- A newly discovered dutch lute book MS Enkhuizen 1667-1

- A Week in the Blacksmith’s Life: Lutenists from Silesia and Bohemia around Count Losy von Losinthal (1650–1721)

- Polythematic fantasias in Wurstisen lute book

- Imitative Fantasias in Wurstisen Lute Book (CH-BU MS. F.IX.70)

- The compositions of Francesco da Milano in the Castelfranco Veneto manuscript further considerations

- “The court, which is nothing but a show, now comic and more often tragic’: new documents on the last years of Francesco da Milano

- The Memory of Paper. An Incomplete History of the Libro Terzo d’Intavolatura di Chitarone by Gio. Girolamo Kapsperger – Franco Pavan

- Emanuel Wurstisen’s manuscript (CH-Bu Ms. F.IX.70) as a source of German lute tablature

- Intabulations of Protestant Sacred Songs and Psalms in Wurstisen lute book. Adaptation and arrangement of the chorale models

- Singer Songwriters, the Lute, and the Stile nuovo

- Baroque Tuning Aesthetics in the Music of J.S. Bach: Variety between the Well-tempered Clavier and the Works for Lute Solo

- Emanuel Wurstisen’s manuscript (CH-Bu Ms. F.IX.70) as a source of German lute tablature

- The arrangements of motets in Wurstisen lute book. More about the process of intabulation

- The Lute in the Dutch Golden Age: Musical Culture in the Netherlands 1580-1670

- The Seventeenth-Century Battaglie for Lute in Italy

- John Dowland, celebrity lute teacher

- Interpretive Left-Hand Fingerings for Lute in Nicholas Vallet’s “Le Secret des Muses”

- Lute Realizations for the English Cavalier Songs (1630 – 1670) A Guide for Performers

- Intabulations of Music by Josquin des Prez in Lute Books Published by Pierre Phalèse, 1547-1574.

- John Dowland, celebrity lute teacher

- Harpsichord and lute music in seventeenth-century France : an assessment of the influence of lute on keyboard repertoire