
The First Printed Lute Instruction, Petrucci’s Regola

The  Venetian  publisher  Ottaviano  Pecrucci’s  petition  of  1498,  submitted  to  the  Dogeand the  Signory  of  Venice,  requesting  the  exclusive  privilege  to  publish  music  booksin  the Venerian  dominions  for  twenty  years,  states  that  Petrucci  intended  to  publishbooks  of  ‘canto figuraco’ (polyphonic vocal music notated in mensural notation) as wdlas books of’intaboladure d’organo et liuto’ (instrumencal music for keyboard inscrumencsand lute arranged and notated in cablarure).

1 Perrucci subsequently publishedsix books oflure music between 1507 and 1511: the first two were books of music byFranc.esco Spinacino, the third contained music by Giovan Maria Hebreo, the fourthwas of music by Joan Ambrosio Dalza, and the fifth and sixth books were by Franciscus Bossinensis.

2 All except one of these lute books were published in Venice where Petruccihad his prinring shop; the last of Pecrucci’s lute series, Bossinensis’ Libra Secondo,waspublished in Fossombrone, where Perrucci had moved from Venice in 1511.

3 Spinacino’stwo books and Dalza’s contain mostly solo lute pieces, with a few lute duets. GiovanMaria’s (now lose) lute book seems co have contained solo lute pieces and perhaps someluce duets coo.~ Bossinensis’  two  luce  books  are  devoted  co  frottola  arrangements  forvoice  and  lute,  each supplemented with solo luce recercare that could serve as preludes,interludes, or postludes co the frottole.

Hiroyuki Miramino

The First Printed Lute Instruction, Petrucci’s Regola





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