
Fray Juan Bautista Sancho: Tracing the origins of california first composer

Juan Bautista Sancho, composer and scholar (Artà, Mayorca, Spain, 1772 or 1776 — Mission San Antonio, California, 1830). He brought to California some of the first samples of 18th-century European music, including sacred plainchant , sacred polyphony, as well as opera excerpts and instrumental arrangements with basso continuo. In 1803, he arrived in Mexico from his native Majorca and, in 1804, he settled in Mission San Antonio, where he remained until his death in 1830. He co-wrote a curious Interrogatorio, reporting on the conditions of the natives, their social customs, their local flora, and even their music. He also compiled vocabularies of several of their languages. As a composer, his Misa en Sol and Misa de los Angeles are among his best works.

Author: Craig H. Russell

fray juan bautista sancho–tracing the origins of california first composer-part I

fray juan bautista sancho–tracing the origins of california first composer-part II


Craig H. Russell. “Fray Juan Bautista Sancho: Tracing the Origins of California’s First Composer and the Early Mission Style; Part 1″ Boletín: Journal of the California Mission Studies Association 54.1 (2004): 68-102.
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