
Guitar music in the Library of Congress


By Donald Sauter

Guitar music in the Library of Congress

PRELIMINARY NOTE: Originally, this page was devoted exclusively to my search for public domain, solo, American guitar arrangements at the Library of Congress (LC) and the introduction below still reflects that.

I have since added a few other finds from the LC collection, such as guitar duos and guitar songs. These were generally stumbled on, and not the result of an attempt to make a clean-sweep search of those genres.

On the other hand, I have tried to find everything arranged by Justin Holland in the LC collection, and so his works in the guitar duo and guitar song (voice and guitar) categories do represent a clean-sweep, to the best of my ability.

I’ve provided a list of all the pieces in the solo guitar classes that are kept in the “case” – i.e. treated as rare items. There are only 13 such pieces. The main value of this list is that it should lay to rest the nagging question of whether you need to fill out another call slip, specifying “case”, in the event something you are looking for doesn’t turn up in the regular collection. I only copied – with explicit permission – a small portion of the guitar “case” material.

Times have changed since Geocities was strictly non-commercial. (Times have changed since there was a Geocities!) You can order anything you see here from me. Ordering instructions are on my Guitar Music from the Library of Congress (for sale) page. Perhaps that’s where you came from. Don’t forget my separate page listing the pieces for Guitar and Piano music from the Library of Congress.

Here, now, are the major sections of this page:

Introduction – what chunk of the LC collection are we talking about?
A romp through the LC collection of arrangements for solo guitar.
Explanation of the catalogs on this web page.
Catalog of American editions for solo guitar.
Catalog of European editions for solo guitar.
Music for two guitars – all of the Justin Holland arrangements found at LC, plus some miscellaneous finds.
Music for voice and guitar – almost exclusively Justin Holland arrangements.
All the “case” (i.e. rare) solo guitar items at LC. Case items – “rare” solo guitar editions at LC.
List of guitarists in the catalogs.
List of non-guitarist composers in the catalogs.



I have gone piece by piece through the three main Library of Congress music classes where you would find music arranged for solo guitar. These 3 classes are called M129, M128 and M125. That’s the order I attacked them. The distinctions between these 3 classes are not too important, but if you’re curious:

M129 = solo guitar music; arrangements; separate works.
M128 = solo guitar music; arrangements; collections.
M125 = solo guitar music; miscellaneous collections.

“Separate works” are filed by composer name. Pieces in a “collection” are kept together by filing them under the main word in the collection name, often the arranger’s name. A “miscellaneous collection” is a collection that could have original works and arrangements. The gap you detect in the above numbers, a missing M126 and M127, is devoted to original compositions for guitar – collections and separate works, respectively. For more discussion of LC classes, see my page on tips for using the LC music division.

I have gone through all of the boxes in these three classes. Boxes contain works which have been assigned a class, but have not necessarily been cataloged – in fact, most of them haven’t. quite finished (as of Apr 2001) all of the bound material, of which There is about 35 feet of shelf space devoted to the bound material. It was harder to make a clean sweep of the bound material because the binding itself often makes it difficult to make copies up to my exacting standards.

I am only concerned with public domain guitar music. Copyright law is, let’s be blunt, an unholy mess. However, it is very simple to apply in this situation. Everything published more than 75 years ago is public domain. [Revisiting this page in 2009, I'm not sure that statement still stands. There was a copyright overhaul, I think, when certain valuable works of the 1920s, such as by Disney, were on the brink of becoming public domain. My two cents: copyright protection should last as long as the owner is willing to pay for the protection.] When I wrote this page, that took us back to 1924. The 1890s were a heyday for the guitar, and then its popularity took a nosedive. I recall seeing very few guitar publications after about 1905, up until several decades later.

This is very convenient for guitar music archaeologists such as myself. Since 75 years ago from our time was a guitar music doldrums, there is no need to dig through this same material every year to extract the next batch of newly public domain pieces.

Even though M129 and M128 are nominally for arranged music, original compositions for guitar often slip in for a variety of reasons. Duos and songs, too. (Publishers make it so rough on librarians!) Even though my main interest was guitar arrangements, I often copied original works found along the way.

To summarize, what we are talking about here is arranged music, for the most part, in the public domain for solo guitar in three classes (M129, M128, M125) in the music division of the Library of Congress. Further down the web page you will see the guitar duos and pieces for voice and guitar I’ve gotten from LC. To reiterate, neither the duos or songs were subjected to a clean sweep, except for those arrangements by Justin Holland. I’ve tried to dig up everything by Holland at LC.

I photocopied all pieces fitting the above description that did not strike me as worthless junk. I have a much greater tolerance for junk than most people. Hey, if nothing else, it’s guitar history. Really, out of the 1500 or so individual pieces, only a handful gave me more pain than pleasure.

For an example of original works that didn’t make the grade, visit the American Memories section of the Library of Congress website. You’ll find at least 19 editions there by W. L. Hayden from the “Le Troubadour” collection that can also be found in the M125.T box. I copied only three of them: one, because it contained arrangements, and two others because their headbanging titles sounded promising: “Johnnie’s March” and “The Black Hawk Waltz”. Incidentally, compared with my good-old-fashioned analog copies, sample pages printed out for me by friends from the LC website look sick. Don’t know if this is due in part to the hardware they used, though.

I copied a total of about 3000 pages. That’s quite a pile of music, but keep in mind it’s hardly the tip of an iceberg relative to all of the guitar music in the Library of Congress collection.

A romp through the LC solo guitar arrangements
I’d been having fun with guitar arrangements of opera tunes for a long time. This is what drew me to the M129 class in the first place. Since it contains only arrangements (supposedly), it isn’t where most people would start if they wanted to search out the “important” stuff. Moreover, the majority of the public domain music here is American – even more lethal to high-brows. But I figured it would be a good place to find fun things.

I also figured it would provide a fascinating glimpse into the musical mind of the time. Who were the favorite classical composers? What were the favorite operas? The favorite pop songs? The favorite instrumental music of the era?

If some guitarist wrote a gavotte for the guitar, you wouldn’t know if he was just a hack trying to make a living, and if anybody ever played or heard it, anyway. But if he arranged a gavotte somebody wrote for piano, you can bet that piece had some degree of popularity at the time.

Opera turns out to be well represented here in both European and American editions. There’s Balfe, Bellini, Bizet, Flotow, Meyerbeer, Offenbach, Puccini, Verdi, Wagner and von Weber. We find Donizetti’s “Sextet from Lucia di Lammermoor”, which was de rigeur on turn-of-the-century guitar programs. There are 11 (count ‘em) arrangements of Mascagni’s knock-out “Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana.” Play them because they sound good, or use them as the basis for a comparative study of guitar transcription techniques.

One of the opera tunes is Wagner’s “Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin” (arranged by Enrico Gargiulo.) A few pieces before that in the same box is “The Blushing Bride Gavotte” (by Walter Vreeland.) Hey, work up the arrangements of Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” and Chopin’s “Funeral March”, and you gig guitarists are set!

Be careful. A sneeze might turn the library’s original copy of “The Blushing Bride Gavotte”, and many of the acid-laced 100-year-old pieces in its collection, into guitar music shrapnel.

You can check out how 19th C. American guitar arrangers handled the shining stars – Beethoven, Schumann, Schubert, Mendelssohn and Chopin. Lesser lights include Moszkowski, Paderewski, Rubinstein and Scharwenka. Dim bulbs are legion.

You’ll find examples of the work of William Foden, the most renowned of all bygone American guitarist. And you can see the work of C. F. Elzear Fiset, the turn-of-the-century virtuoso whose fascinating letters you read in the Soundboard a few years ago. I bagged five of his published arrangements. They can be tough in spots. (Did he have a case of Parkening’s disease?)

There are many editions by black guitarist Justin Holland, our most important mid-century American guitarist. The “Fantaisie on the Carnival of Venice” may be his most ambitious piece. He arranged Labitzky’s “Natalien Waltz” and I wonder if the last section will snap other guitarists’ heads back like mine. (Play the 3-note chords as a-m-i triplets – romanza???) You’ll also find arrangements by his son, Justin Minor Holland, and by Arling Shaeffer, a guitar student of Justin Minor. There are a couple of beautiful Holland manuscripts.

Pieces in manuscript are always exciting, of course. We find examples by Luis T. Romero, E. Pique, and Beverly Letcher in these boxes.

Other women show up as guitar arrangers and composers. We meet Mrs. M. W. Bell, Eva J. Cox, Cora Robbins Fracker, Miss Rose Fritz, Elizabeth Gill, Vina Johnson (with guitar babe cover photo), Gatty Jones (I guess that’s a lady) and Mrs. Knoop. See if anyone can sit still while you rip through Addie Irene Jewell’s arrangement of Schulhoff’s “Valse Brilliante”.

The waltz was obviously a very popular form back then. You can usually make them fly on the guitar because of the uncomplicated bass line. Most of the ones here are by forgotten composers, but there are many Strauss waltzes – in both American and European editions. To my ears, waltzes have withstood the ravages of time much better than the gavottes, galops, schottisches and other foot-shufflers from that era. Waltzes sound lively and happy, without descending into corniness. I’ve always said, “What the world needs today… is more waltzes!”

You’ll be proud to know there are 14 Sousa marches arranged for guitar. And many of the covers sport sharp-looking engravings of the man, himself.

So, you’re set for the 4th of July, but other holiday music is rather sparse. There is a “Christmas Bells March” (not sounding particularly Christmas-y), “Merry Christmas” (sounding very Christmas-y – as it is none other than a renamed “Silent Night”), “April Fool’s Day Mazurka” (incorporating snatches of “O du lieber Augustine” and “La donna e mobile”), and “The Goblins Galop” (for Halloween).

Speaking of covers, many of them give a warm feeling from a bygone era. We have engravings of U. S. Grant, photographs of a few of the guitarist-arrangers, photographs of ladies with parasols, and just plain neat, old-fashioned type-faces and lots of swirly lines.

Remember the “Three Fifteenth [sic] Century Songs” that open up the 1971 “World’s Favorite” anthology? Well, here we find the same 3 pieces grouped together in a 1906 German edition – with the same mistakes, even. Hmmm… To round out the pre-classical era music found here, we have Handel’s “Largo” arranged by Geo. W. Persley (1893), the same Largo arranged by young Ethel. Lucretia Olcott (later Bickford), and Handel’s “Dead march from Saul” arranged by W. L. Hayden.

We find several other interesting instances of “tie-ins”. An 1860 edition by N.P.B. Curtiss is called “Keepsake – a collection of Popular Melodies arranged for the Guitar”. If you expected, like me, pieces in the vein of “The Last Rose Of Summer”, guess what? – it’s a bunch of little unattributed studies from the Carcassi method.

To my mind there is a pervasive similarity between Emilia Giuliani’s variations on Bellini’s “Ah perche non posso odiarti” and Charles de Janon’s variations on “Home Sweet Home” (1892), and even one of C. W. Fleming’s variations on “Home Sweet Home” (1885). I wonder who got what from whom?

C. W. Fleming’s arrangements are among the most likely in these 3000 pages to cause a modern guitarist to blow his cool. After you leave the title page of his variations on “Blue Bells Of Scotland” or “Home Sweet Home”, you’ll might lose track of which one you’re playing. And some of the chords he chooses in Wagner’s “Bridal March” and Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” are very dicey. But… can you play his harmonic passages and his 2- and 3-string tremelo passages cleanly? My claim, as always, is that you’d be hard pressed to find a piece that is without value, at least as a study.

Other effects by 19th C. arrangers include the snare drum and a crying baby. The snare drum was confined to one measure. You hardly have time to load up (and there’s a problem with the notated rhythm, to boot) but I guess you gotta start somewhere. The crying baby comes from downward glissandos to each and every melody note.

There are loads of pop songs of the era, falling into two very general categories. From earlier in the century we find songs like “Annie Laurie” and “Home Sweet Home” and the songs of Stephen Foster, who is very well represented. The earliest copyright date I recall seeing was 1853. By the way, “Home Sweet Home” may be the No. 1 hit of the 1800s based on the total number of different arrangements (at least 21) in this collection.

Tin Pan Alley emerged in the early 1890s, and it marked the beginning of the pop music industry that we know today. In the absence of a stack of 45s from back then, here’s your chance to hear all the big hits. And considering the dopey-sounding vocal stylings on recordings from the ’90s (eighteen-90s, even), you’d probably choose a solo guitar arrangement. As you play the choruses of these forebears to “She Loves You”, you’ll probably hear the title lines, such as “Will You Love Me In December As You Do In May?” or “Every Day Is Sunshine When The Heart Beats True” singing in your head.

You probably don’t know T. P. Trinkaus, but he arranged a ton of pop tunes – and did a creditable job, in my view. He sprinkles small notes here and there for “advanced players”. Want to test your technique? How’s your problem solving ability?

Many turn-of-the-century pop songs came from stage productions, like Victor Herbert operettas. And a few pieces seem to be non-operatic European songs that were popular enough to make their way across the ocean and get themselves arranged for guitar here.

Animal lovers will delight to the sounds of “The Lambs Gambol”, “The Dance Of The Frogs”, “Frog Puddles”, “The Tale Of The Kangaroo” and “The Donkey Laugh (A musical horse on you)”.

Don’t miss several concert arrangements of “Rock-A-Bye Baby”. This couldn’t happen nowadays, I guess cuz we’ve got something better – we’ve got a heart of stone. (B. Dylan, 1981.)

There’s a batch of pieces written for the guitar tuned to some big major chord or another. A few are ok, even, like an arrangement of “The Last Rose Of Summer” and Vina Johnson’s original “Melange Plaintive”. I will confess, though, that most of these try even my patience. (But they are history!) A few arrangers used the 6th string tuned up to F, and a couple of pieces have it cranked all the way up to G!

A little quiz: if I told you there were no composers starting with “Z” in the M129 boxes, can you guess what you’d find at the bottom of the last one? Did somebody say Yradier? That’s right – 4 arrangements of “La Paloma”. (And 3 more were snagged in the other classes.)

If you are determined that you’ll have nothing to do with the Americana, there are about 550 pages worth of European publications. This includes extended arrangements from the opera by F. Brand, Carcassi, Carulli, Diabelli, Emilia Giuliani, Mauro Giuliani, Ku”ffner, Legnani, Mertz, Luigi Picchianti and Philipp Su”ssmann. I doubt you’ve heard Ku”ffner this ambitious before. A set of arrangements by Fr. Stoll was a very pleasant discovery. There is a huge batch of Strauss waltzes with no arranger credited.

And you’ll find European arrangements of polkas, galops and marches, etc., that make you realize, hey, it wasn’t just us backwoods Yankees!

Explanation of the catalogs
These catalogs include the guitar works discussed above that I have copied from the Library of Congress, starting in 1998. There are separate catalogs for American and European editions. The main object was to collect guitar arrangements, but, for a variety of reasons, quite a few original compositions found among the arrangements were copied, too. I continue to add new finds from the bound items (as distinguished from the library’s boxes), so the collection discussed above continues to grow.

In these catalogs the guitarist is given the greatest recognition. His works – whether original compositions or arrangements – are kept together as much as possible in the catalog. Thus, the basic, chosen format for these entries has 3 fields:


For example,

Obarrio/Bucalossi/La gitana waltz

means a guitarist named Obarrio arranged a piece called “La Gitana Waltz” by a composer named Bucalossi. A link is given at the top of this page to a list of more complete names for the guitarists and composers responsible for these works.

If the 2nd position is empty, as in:

Celorrio//Carmen waltz

it means the piece (“Carmen Waltz”) was originally composed for guitar by the guitarist himself, Celorrio.

Multiple pieces in the same publication are indicated by indented entries. For example,

Best//La bonita
  Best/Moore/Last rose of summer

tells us the publication contains 2 pieces – in this case, one original composition and one arrangement by guitarist Best. Put another way, each publication has just one left-justified line in these catalogs.

A TITLE in capital letters indicates an overarching title applying to a collection of works. Often, this TITLE applies to a publication. For example,

  Bell//The thistle schottische
  Bell//Danza habanera un cefiro
  Bell/Hastings/Rock of ages
  Bell//Adrian waltz

means Mrs. Bell published a collection guitar pieces called “Guitar Solos”. The collection has 5 individual pieces (in this case, some original and some arranged.) Within the named publication or work, the individual pieces are listed in their order of appearance. It may happen that a TITLED collection of individual pieces may itself appear within a TITLED publication. (For an example, search for Wailand in the catalog below.)

Sometimes a publication contains the work of more than one guitarist. It would be cataloged here under the name of the guitarist who had the greatest hand in it, or who got his name in lights on the cover. If no one fills that bill, the collection is cataloged under “various”.

Sometimes, a piece consists of sections which are not stand-alone pieces. The distinction between “section” and “stand-alone piece” is a matter of opinion, of course. I list the title of such a piece in regular lower case, with full information on the incorporated sections listed on lines below, as in this example:

Dorn/Verdi/Gems of Il Trovatore.  Incorporates:
  Dorn/Verdi/Di tale amor che dirsi
  Dorn/Verdi/Deserto sulla terra
  Dorn/Verdi/Mal reggendo
  Dorn/Verdi/Il Balen
  Dorn/Verdi/Ah che la morte

In rare cases, a guitarist arranges or edits an arrangement of an original work. This is shown in 4 fields:

Herbert/Sor/Mozart/Magic flute

For each guitarist, his original compositions are listed first; and then his arrangements of works by known composers; and then his arrangements of works by unknown (to me) composers (indicated by “???” in the composer field); and then his TITLED collections, if any.

Finally, here are some abbreviations used in the listings.

(ms) = manuscript

(scord) = scordatura = altered tuning. Generally, the altered tuning is described. For example,
E maj scord = E B E G# B E, low to high.
D maj scord = D A D F# A D = 1 step below E maj scord.
Russian scord = D G D G B D.
Bane’s scord = C G D G B D = Russian scord with low C.

Ded. = “dedicated to”. I’ve included the dedicatee if I recognize his name, typically as a guitarist, arranger and/or composer.

??? = unknown. Used in the guitarist or composer fields.

Catalog of American editions

AAAaaa    (American)

Abt V//Golden rod barcarolle
Agut//La Cachucha
Agut//El catatum spanish song
Agut//Consuelo polka mazurka
Agut//La Gallegada
Agut//El jaleo valse
Agut/???/Mandolina mexican serenade
Agut/Yradier/La Paloma The dove
Agut//El suspiro schottische
Agut//Tango fadino
Amann/Flotow, Moore/Martha potpouri
Anguera F//Waltz of love Bals de amor
  Anguera J//Cataluna quick step
  Anguera J//Waltz
  Anguera J//Spanish quick step
  Anguera J/???/Spanish air
  Anguera J/???/Cotillon
  Anguera J/???/Serenade
Anguera J//Spanish cachucha
Arevalo//La Castenera
Arevalo//Lila polka Lilac
Arevalo//Recuerdo waltz
Arevalo//Violeta schottische
Arevalo/Demare/Gavotte in A
Arevelo/Gilmore/Lenora mazurka

BBBbbb    (American)

Babb/Foster/My old kentucky home
Babb/French/Red, white and blue march two step
Babb/Grover/Phantom dance
Babb/Janssen/Dance of the kaffirs
Babb/Lansing/The Darkey's awakening
Babb/Shattuck/Invincible guard march
Backus/Strauss/Autograph waltzes
Ballard//The Cachucha
  Ballard//Gentil housard Hungarian
  Ballard//Sho"ne minka Russian
  Ballard//Rousseau's dream French
  Ballard//Favorite melody Swiss
  Ballard//Quadrille Scotch
  Ballard/Pinna/What fairy-like music
  Ballard/Mozart/O dolce concento
  Ballard//Cease your funning
  Ballard/anonymous/My lodging is on the cold ground
  Ballard//Auld robin gray
  Ballard/Coffey/Irish air (Robin adair)
  Ballard/Strauss/Celebrated waltz (Duke de reichstadt's favorite)
Bane//Bane's grand march
Bane//Boston visit valse ded. Babb
Bane//Polish dance no1 (scord)
Bane/Arditi/L'ingenue gavotte (scord)
Bane/Chopin/Valse op70 no2 (scord)
Bane/Chopin/Valse op34 no3 (scord)
Bane/Chopin/Nocturne op9 no2  (scord)
Bane/Czibulka/Love's dream after the ball intermezzo
Bane/Moszkowski/Spanish dance no. 2 (scord)
Bane/Paderewski/Melodie op8 no3
Bane: GUITAR COMPOSITIONS AND ARRANGEMENTS in simplified figure system
  Bane//Rosevale waltz
  Bane//Tyler march
  Bane/Foster/My old kentucky home goodnight
  Bane/Chopin/Mazurka op67 no2
  Bane/Mason/Nearer my god to thee
  Bane//Valse caprice (scord)
  Bane/Moszkowski/Spanish dance no. 1 op12 (scord)
  Bane//Gavotte no. 2 (scord)
  Bane/Mascagni/Cavalleria rusticana intermezzo (scord)
  Bane//Mazurka no. 2 (scord)
Barker/Abt F/When the swallows homeward fly
Barker/Bishop/Home sweet home
Barker/Dolores/The Brook
Barker/Fitzgibbon/Canning/Rock-a-bye baby
Barker/Foster/Old folks at home
Barker/Hanby/Darling nellie gray
Barker/Lacome/Estudiantina Spanish waltz (attr. Waldteufel)
Barker/Lange/Flower song
Barker/Schrammel/But one vienna
Bateman//Evening star mazurka
Bateman//The Forgotten polka
Bateman//Philomela waltz
Bateman//Shaker's dance Spirit of new lebanon
Bateman/Aguado/Souvenir d'aguado mazurka
Bateman/Beethoven/Beethoven's dream waltz
Bateman/Halevy/Call me thine own
Bateman/Labitzky/Aurora waltzes
Bateman/Reissiger/Weber's last waltz
Bateman/Verdi/Home to our mountains Ai nostri monti Il Trovatore
Bateman/Verdi/Soldiers chorus in il trovatore
  Bell//The Thistle schottische
  Bell//Danza habanera un cefiro
  Bell/Hastings/Rock of ages
  Bell//Adrian waltz
Bemis//Washburn march
  Bemis/Kjerulf/Last night Sehnsucht
  Bemis/Kjerulf/Last night
Bemis/Eilenberg/First heart throbs
Bemis/Foster/Old black joe
Bemis/Parlow/Louisen polka
Bemis/Wagner/The Pilgrims chorus Tannhauser
  Bemis/Faure J/Palms
Bemis/Weidt/How fair thou art
  Bemis/Schubert/Last greeting
Best//Memmories song without words
Best/Kiallmark/The Old oaken bucket
Best//La Bonita
  Best/Moore/Last rose of summer
Best/Schumann/Traumerei reverie
Bettencourt//Green leaf polka
Bickford VO/Handel/Largo
Bickford VO op117: SCHUBERT ALBUM for guitar
  Bickford VO/Schubert/Theme in C from octet op166
  Bickford VO/Schubert/Theme from quartet in D minor Death and the maiden
  Bickford VO/Schubert/Entr'acte music from Rosamunde
  Bickford VO/Schubert/Theme from the Fantasie in C op159
  Bickford VO/Schubert/Hark hark! the lark Morning Serenade
  Bickford VO/Schubert/Ballet music from Rosamunde
Bickford VO op121: MODERN ALBUM for guitar
  Bickford VO/Reinhold/Gondoliera op39 no19
  Bickford VO/Boisdeffre/By the brook Au bord d'un ruisseau serenade champetre op52
  Bickford VO/Jadassohn/Dedication op117 no1
  Bickford VO/Cui/Orientale from kaleidoscope op50 no9
  Bickford VO/Gottschalk/Berceuse slumber on baby dear op47
  Bickford VO/Fibich/Poem
  Bickford VO/Schu"tt/Petite scene de ballet
  Bickford VO/Nevin GB/The Flower of dumblane
  Bickford VO/Dvorak/Largo from the New world symphony
  Bickford VO/Ja"rnefelt/Berceuse
Bickford VO op122: BEETHOVEN ALBUM for guitar
  Bickford VO/Beethoven/Andante con moto from 5th symphony
  Bickford VO/Beethoven/Allegretto from sonata op14 no1
Bickford VO op128: SPANISH AND MEXICAN ALBUM for guitar solo Vol. 2
  Bickford VO/Serradell/La Golondrina The swallow
  Bickford VO/Yradier/La Paloma habanera
  Fortea/Diaz Giles/Ayer se la llevaron tango cancion
  Bickford VO/Broca/Minue
  Bickford ZM/Yanez/Danza mexicana
  Bickford VO/Broca/Crepusculo valse
  Bickford VO/Simon/Le fandango
  Bickford VO/Romero/Habanera
  Pujol//Cancion sin palabras Song without words
  Bickford VO/Chiara/La Spagnola The spanish dancer
  Sirera//Maruja habanera
  Bickford VO//La Borrachita cancion popular mexicana
Bickford VO op129: OPERATIC ALBUM for guitar VOL. 1
  Ferrer/Verdi/Home to our mountains A nostri monti from Il Trovatore
  Bickford VO/Meyerbeer/Song from the huguenots
  Bickford VO/Verdi/Anvil chorus from Il Trovatore
  Simon/Rossini/Di tanti palpiti from the Barber of seville (really Tancredi)
  Janon/Bellini/Duet and chorus from La Sonnambula
  Bickford VO/Bellini/Cavatine from La Sonnambula
  Bayer/Moore, Flotow/The Last rose of summer and Ah so fair from Martha
  Simon/Weber/Rondo from Der Freischutz
  Calegari/Bellini/Quintetto from Beatrice di tenda
  Bayer/Verdi/Cavatina from Nebucodonosar
  Bickford VO/Weber/Ballo from Preciosa
  Bickford VO/Mascagni/Intermezzo from Cavalleria rusticana
Bickford VO op138: CHOPIN ALBUM for guitar
  Pritchard/Chopin/March funebre
  Bickford VO/Chopin/Chopinesque.  Incorporates:
    Bickford VO/Chopin/Military polonaise
    Bickford VO/Chopin/Raindrop prelude
    Bickford VO/Chopin/Minute waltz
    Bickford VO/Chopin/Funeral march
Bickford ZM/Foster/De Camptown races
Bischoff/Baker/The Three guardsmen waltz
Bischoff/Bellini/La Sonnambula
Bischoff/Mendelssohn/Mendelssohn wedding march
Blackmar/Coote/My queen waltz
Blanchour//Mein leiber (lieber) augustin with variations
Blantchor//A collection of admired cotillions
  (No. 1 has material by Auber from Fra diavolo.)
  (No. 2 has material by Boieldieu from La Dame blanche.)
  Blantchor/Auber/Fra diavolo waltz
Bollman/Beethoven/Desire waltz
Bollman/Giuliani/Pearl menuetto
Bollman/Strauss/Life is a dance waltz
Bollman/???/Alexander waltz
Bollman/???/Greek march (E maj scord)
Bollman/???/Greek waltz (E maj scord)
Bollman/???/Wedding waltz
Bostwick//Nightingale schottisch (6=F scord)
Bostwick/Beethoven/Petunia waltz
Bostwick/Beethoven/Grand landler
Brachet/Desormes/Boulanger's march
Brachet/Lisle/Marseillaise French national hymn
Brachet/Weber/Selection from der Freischu"tz
Brachet: CHOICE COLLECTION of guitar music
  Brachet/Gungl/Sounds from home Heimaths klaenge
  Brachet/Kreuzer C/The Chapel
  Brachet/Moore/Last rose of summer Letzte Rose
  Brachet/Nannie/Love's chidings
  Brachet/Bishop/Home sweet home
  Brachet/???/Yankee doodle
  Brachet/Coffey/Robin Adair  (attr. Boieldieu)
  Brachet/JS Smith/Star spangled banner
  Brachet/???/Hail columbia
  Brachet/Lumby/Solo from Traumbilder
  Brachet/Wilhelm/Die wacht am rhein
  Brachet/Balfe/Then you'll remember me
  Brachet/Mozart/Life let us cherish
  Brachet/Guckert/Il Giojello favorito waltz
Brady/Lange/Flower song
Brady/Mendelssohn/Spring song
Bridges//Ripples of marengo e minor
Brown/Mack/General grant's grand march
Brown/Root/Octoroon schottische
Brown/Stevens/Barry schottische
Burke//The Blue bells of scotland ded. Bemis
Burke/Bishop/Home sweet home
Burke/Spilman/Flow gently sweet afton
Burrows/Verdi/Il Trovatore fantasie Home to our mountains (1st section)
Burton//Gettysburg (E maj scord)
Burton//Dar's a wrinkle in de banjo (scord DGDGBD)

CCCccc    (American)

Carosio/Puccini/La Boheme
Carusi: BAGATELLE'S (Wrong cover?  These are all waltzes.)
  Carusi/Mozart/Mozart's favorite waltz
  Carusi/Reissiger/Weber's last waltz
  Carusi/Molino/Molino waltz
  Carusi/Carulli/Carulli waltz
  Carusi//Pense'e printanie're
  Carusi//Yellow hair'd laddie
  Carusi//Spanish dance
  Carusi//'Twas within a mile of edinbourgh
  Carusi//Tyroleese air
  Carusi//Favourite german air arranged as a waltz
  Carusi//Il Penseroso
  Carusi//Favourite cotillion no. 1
  Carusi//Favourite cotillion no. 2
  Carusi//Estelle waltz
  Carusi//L'allegro waltz
Carusi//La Cachucha as danced by madlle. elssler
Carusi/Maurer/Bridal march in Mazeppa
CDF/Canning?/Cradle song
Celorrio//Carmen waltz
Chenet//The Merry makers Lancers scord DGDGBD
Clark F/Lange/Flower song
  Clarke/Lehar/Waltz song Merry widow
  Clarke/Lehar/Vilia song Merry widow
  Clarke/Wagner/Evening star Tannha"user
  Clarke/Wagner/Tannha"user theme
  Clarke/Gounod/Faust act III
  Clarke/Verdi/Ah! I have sighed to rest me Il Trovatore
  Clarke/Lassen/Thine eyes so blue and tender
Coffel/Lange/Flower song
Converse//Souvenir d'ireland grand march (revised by Q.B.)
Coupa//Theme and variations
Coupa/Bellini/Gems of Norma no. 1
Coupa/Bellini/Gems of Norma no. 2
  Coupa/Rousseau/Rousseau's dream
  Coupa//Carnival of venice
  Coupa/???/O Pescator dell'onda
  Coupa/???/Love thee dearest
Cox/Metra/Summer fancies
Craley/Bishop/Home sweet home
Curtiss/Badarzewski/The Maiden's prayer Le priere d'une viergie
Curtiss/Carcassi/The Keepsake a collection of popular melodies
Curtiss/Musard/Baden baden polka
  Curtiss/???/Carlotta grisi's polka
Curtiss/???/Joys of home waltzes

DDDddd    (American)

  Carcassi//Waltz F major
  Dabney/Strauss/The Duke of reichstadts waltz abridged
  Dabney/Herold/Prayer from Zampa
  Dabney/Lege/Love's confession Ded. Mr. Paul Eno
  Dabney//La Cachucha
  Dabney/???/Little beauty waltz
  Dabney/???/Rose waltz
  Dabney/Donizetti/Ah! muore Lucia di Lammermoor
  Meignen/Weber/Der Freischuetz waltz
  Dabney/Moore/The Last rose of summer
  Dabney/???/How can I leave thee
  Dabney/Donizetti/Tyrolienne Lucretia Borgia
  Brand/???/Le judgment de soloman march
  Su"ssmann/Donizetti/O! welche seligheit from Belisar
  Gordon/Balfe/Then you'll remember me
  Dabney//Corncob jig
  Mertz//Nocturne II
  Dabney/Donizetti/Tu che a dio (Lucia di Lamermoor)
  Dabney/Rheinhardt/Thou art like unto a flower
  Dabney/Chopin/Waltz op69 No2
  Dabney/Dana/Flee as a bird fantasia caprice
Dabney/Paull/Ben hur chariot race march
Daymon/???/Alice where art thou with variations
Dorn//Forest glade mazurka
Dorn//The Wood violet
Dorn/Badarzewski/La Priere d'une vierge The maidens prayer
Dorn/Baumbach/Silvery shower
Dorn/Donizetti/Airs from Elisire d'amore
Dorn/Gillet/Loin du bal Echoes of the ball
Dorn/Jacobowski/Erminie gems
Dorn/Mendelssohn/Wedding march
Dorn/Meyerbeer, Luther/Les huguenots (intro = A Mighty fortress is our god)
Dorn/Moore/The Last rose of summer
  Dorn/Weigl/Air from the opera Swiss family
Dorn/Rossini/Polonaise tancredi
Dorn/Rossini/Souvenir de rossini air varie from Semiramide
Dorn/Smith Sidney/For you
Dorn/Strelezki/Of thee I am thinking
Dorn/Verdi/Gems of Il Trovatore.  Incorporates:
  Dorn/Verdi/Di tale amor che dirsi
  Dorn/Verdi/Deserto sulla terra
  Dorn/Verdi/Mal reggendo
  Dorn/Verdi/Il Balen
  Dorn/Verdi/Ah che la morte
Douglass/Neumann/Enchantment schottische
Douglass/Oettl/Karma schottische
Durand/Kneass/Ben bolt
Durand/Lange/Flower song

EEEeee    (American)

Earle/Liliuokalani/Aloha oe
  Eaton//Westward galop
  Eaton/Balfe/Then you'll remember me
Eggleston//Marion a reverie (scord E G C G C E)
Eicherly//Echoes from alaska schottische
  Eiler//Fairy quickstep
Eno//Babbling brook waltz
Eno//Bean club musings march
Eno/Bonheur/The Same old song
Eulenstein C//Spanish march

FFFfff    (American)

Faugerstrom/???/Bjo"rneborg march
  Faugerstrom/???/Napolean's march over the alps
  Feder//The Blue bells of scotland
  Feder/Moore/'Tis the last rose of summer
  Feder//Jenny jones (E maj scord)
  Feder//Paddy snap
  Feder/anonymous/My lodging is on the cold ground
Fischer//The Wayside rose
Fiset/Pergolese/Aria nina
Fiset/Saint-saens/Romance sans paroles
Fiset/Schubert/Hark! hark the lark
Fiset/Schubert/Moment musical op94 no3
Fleming//Blue bells of scotland and variations
Fleming/Bishop/Home sweet home and variations
Fleming/Mendelssohn/Mendelssohn's wedding march
Fleming/Wagner/Bridal march from Lohengrin
Fleming/???/Drum march
Flint//The Boston quick step
Flint//The German shepherd's song with variations
Flink//Valse de elena
Foden//Admiration waltz
Foden//Celebrated diamond clog
  Foden/???/Flower girl schottische
Foden//Chevalier march
Foden//Monogram schottisch
Foden//Progression march
Foden/Bishop/Home sweet home varied
Foden/Boccherini/Menuet celebre
Foden/Bollman/Convent bells Les cloches du convent easy
Foden/Bollman/Convent bells Les cloches du convent difficult
Foden/Delibes/Pizzicato from the ballet Sylvia
Foden/Donizetti/Sextette from Lucia di lammermoor fantaisie
Foden/Hoffmann/Sweet recollections
Foden/Lange/Flower song
Foden/Latshaw/Dark blue eyes
Foden/Mendelssohn/Spring song
Foden/Weber/Der Freischu"tz
Fogg/Mackie/Zig zag galop
Fogg/???/Queen of the valley waltz
Foster EK/Bucalossi/La Gitana waltz
Foster EK/King/Caprice ded. Lopez
Foster EK/King/Charming gavotte ded. Bemis
Foster EK/King/Etta gavotte ded. Holland
Foster EK/Messager/Fantine
Foster EK/White/Jolly trumpeter's march
Fracker//In the twilight
Frederich/Matherly/Taps the last call (E maj scord)
Frey//Carnival de venice
Frey//Sounds from mexico (6=G scord)
Frey/Foster/My old kentucky home
Frey/Mascagni/Intermezzo sinfonico from Cavalleria rusticana
Fritz//Star lake waltz (6=G scord)

GGGggg    (American)

Garcia/Thome'/Mandoline serenade espanol
Gardenghi/Rossini/Grand march Mose in egytto
Gargiulo/Wagner/Bridal chorus from Lohengrin
  Gargiulo/Bohm/Mandolin Serenade
  Gargiulo/Waldteufel/A toi
  Gargiulo/Ganne/La Czarina
  Gargiulo/Thomas A/Mignon Gavotte
  Gargiulo/Beaumont/Talon Rouge
  Gargiulo/Lebierre/Gai Souvenir
  Gargiulo/Mascagni/Intermezzo sinfonico
  Gargiulo/Eilenberg/Serenade des mandolins
  Gargiulo/A Labitzky/Traum der sennerin
Gill/???/Flowers of spring ded. Dorn
Godena/anonymous/Believe me if all those endearing young charms
  Gould/Verdi/Trovatore March  Incorporates:
      Gould/Verdi/Il Balen
Gray/Jungmann/Heimweh Longing for home

HHHhhh...    (American)

Hager/Sousa/The Liberty bell march
Hamilton//Record breaker grand march
Hamilton/Bishop/Home sweet home
Hamilton/Emmet/Lullaby sung in Fritz
Hamilton/Foster/Old folks at home
Hamilton/Goetze/Oh happy day
Hamilton/Hook/Within a mile of edinborough town
Hamilton/Kjerulf/Last night ded. Mrs. Henning
Hamilton/Knight/Rocked in the cradle of the deep
Hamilton/Mendelssohn/Spring song simplified
Hamilton/Molloy/Love's old sweet song
Hamilton/Moore/The Last rose of summer
Hamilton/Rubinstein/Rubinstein's melody in F simplified
Hamilton/Scott/Annie laurie
Hamilton/Verdi/Il Trovatore Ah che la morte
Hanna/Maywood/Doris waltz
Harbaugh/Hindley/Patrol comique ded. Cobb
Harris C//Silver star waltz (6=F scord)
Harris C/Pendergrass/Merry sleigh ride waltz
Harris HW/Corbin/Santiago valse espagnole
Harris HW/Mozart/Menuet from Don juan
Harris HW/Resch/A flow'ret from the mosel mazurka
Harris HW/Rollinson/Hot-shot march
Harris HW/Rowell/Berkeley hall schottische
Harris HW/Strauss/Sweetheart waltzes from Gypsy baron
Harris HW/Wieniawski/Kuiawiak a polish national dance
Haskins/Balfe/Then you'll remember me
Haskins/Canning/Cradle song
Haskins/Kjerulf/Last night Sehnsucht
Haskins/Mendelssohn/The Delirium
Haskins/Moore/The Last rose of summer
Haug/Foster/Old black joe

HHHhhh...    (American)

Hayden//The Black hawk waltz
Hayden//Blue bells of scotland
Hayden//La Cachuca
Hayden//The Carnival of venice
Hayden//Chant du nord Song of the north
Hayden//Chinese galop
Hayden//Evening chimes
Hayden//Johnnie's march
Hayden//Magnolia schottisch
Hayden//Military potpourri.  Incorporates:
  Hayden/???/Frederic carl's march
  Hayden/???/La Mandolinata
  Hayden/Wilhelm/Watch on the rhein
  Hayden/???/Beautiful venice
  Hayden/Lover/Girl I left behind me
  Hayden/???/Campbells are coming
  Hayden/Stevenson/The Harp that once
  Hayden/???/Soldier's farewell
  Hayden/???/Glory hallelujah
  Hayden/???/Yankee doodle
Hayden//Parting waltzes
Hayden//Postillion polka mazurka
Hayden//Rosebud schottische
  Hayden/Hays/Write me a letter from home
Hayden//Queen of the roses waltz
  Hayden/???/The Soldier's joy
  Hayden/???/White cockade
  Hayden/???/Hull's victory
  Hayden/???/The Rout
  Hayden/???/Arkansas traveler
  Hayden/???/The Devil's dream
Hayden//Spanish retreat
  Hayden//Falling leaves
  Hayden//Echoes from the tyrol
  Hayden//Sounds from switzerland
Hayden//Warblings at eve
Hayden//When the leaves begin to turn
Hayden/Balfe/Satanella waltzes
Hayden/Bishop/Home sweet home variations
Hayden/Blake/Clayton's grand march
Hayden/Budik/Jolly brothers galop
Hayden/Coote/Corn flower waltzes
Hayden/Czibulka/Stephanie gavotte de la princesse
Hayden/Daniels/Elsa gavotte
Hayden/Foster/The Old folks at home with variations
Hayden/Genee/Nanon.  Incorporates:
  Hayden/Genee/Drummers march
  Hayden/Genee/No efforts were availing
  Hayden/Genee/Yes, here we all have come
  Hayden/Genee/Anna's song
Hayden/Godfrey/Mabel waltzes
Hayden/Gounod/Grand march from Faust
Hayden/Gounod/Marionette's funeral march
Hayden/Green/Flower of the flock march
Hayden/Handel/Dead march from Saul
Hayden/Hess/Aladdin schottische
Hayden/Lamonthe/First kiss waltz
Hayden/Lowthian/Myositis waltzes
Hayden/Louis XIII/Air du roi louis xiii Amaryllis
Hayden/McEvoy/Twinkle twinkle little stars schottisches
Hayden/Mozart/O dolce concento away with melancholy with variations
Hayden/Norton/Juanita variations
Hayden/Oesten/Love in may Maienliebe
Hayden/Offenbach/Potpourri from the grand duchess
Hayden/Rossini/Prayer from moses in egypt
Hayden/Schnell/Jocus polka
Hayden/Strauss/On the beautiful blue danube waltzes
Hayden/Strauss/Pizzicato polka
Hayden/Sullivan/Mikado waltzes (attr. Bucalossi)
Hayden/Waldteufel/Charming waltzes tres jolie
Hayden/Webster, Mason/Wyman/Sweet by and by  (intro = Nearer my god to thee)
Hayden/Wely/Monastery bells
Hayden/Wyman/Christmas bells march
Hayden/Wyman/Woodland echoes
Hayden/???/Frederick's grand march
Hayden/???/Happy dream waltz
Hayden/???/Seraphine waltz
  Hayden//Paul vane
  Hayden/Martin/Let the dead and the beautiful rest
Hayden//Turkish march Ruins of athens
  Hayden/Bishop/Home sweet home variations
  Russell/Milburn, Winner/Listen to the mocking bird with brilliant variations
  Hayden/Sullivan/Patience potpourri.  Incorporates:
    Hayden/Sullivan/Twenty love sick maidens we
    Hayden/Sullivan/Solo Angela
    Hayden/Sullivan/Prithee pretty maidens
    Hayden/Sullivan/A magnet hung in a hardware shop
    Hayden/Sullivan/When I go out of door
    Hayden/Sullivan/When I first put this uniform on
  Hayden/Sullivan/Pirates of penzance.  Incorporates:
    Hayden/Sullivan/Climbing over the rocky mountains
    Hayden/Sullivan/Pray observe the magnanimity
    Hayden/Sullivan/When the foeman braves his steel
    Hayden/Sullivan/Poor wandering one
    Hayden/Sullivan/Sergeant's song
  Hayden/Audran/Olivette potpourri.  Incorporates:
    Hayden/Audran/Marriage bells
    Hayden/Audran/Soon the bride
    Hayden/Audran/Bob up serenely
    Hayden/Audran/Sunshine of life
    Hayden/Audran/The Torpedo and the whale
    Hayden/Audran/Waltz song First love
  Hayden/Audran/The Mascott potpourri.  Incorporates:
    Hayden/Audran/Air of the mascott
    Hayden/Audran/Drum song
    Hayden/Audran/Soldier's chorus
    Hayden/Audran/When I behold thee
    Hayden/Audran/Coaching song
    Hayden/Audran/Orang-outang song
  Hayden/Sullivan/Iolanthe potpourri.  Incorporates:
    Hayden/Sullivan/When darkly looms the day
    Hayden/Sullivan/Fare thee well
    Hayden/Sullivan/Tho' perhaps may incur your blame
    Hayden/Sullivan/Entrance of the peers
    Hayden/Sullivan/We're to be married to day
  Hayden/Fahrbach/Woman's love waltzes
  Hayden/Waldteufel/To thee waltzes A toi
  Hayden/Lecocq/Heart and hand potpourri.  Incorporates:
    Hayden/Lecocq/National hymn
    Hayden/Lecocq/A husband, my daughter dear
    Hayden/Lecocq/With our princess
    Hayden/Lecocq/Song of the helmet
  Hayden/Bellini/Grand march from Norma
  Hayden/Bellini/Air from Norma
  Hayden/Musard/Baden baden polka
Hayden: HAYDEN'S FOLIO of choice gems
  Hayden//Home song waltzes.  Incorporates:
    Hayden/Kiallmark/The Old oaken bucket
    Hayden/Abt F/When the swallows
    Hayden/???/Ne'er can thy home be mine
    Hayden/Verdi/Home to our mountains
    Hayden/Bishop/Home sweet home
    Hayden/Mason/Antioch Joy to the world
    Hayden/???/Holly Softly now
    Hayden/???/Old hundred Be thou o god
    Hayden/anonymous/America My country! 'tis of thee
    Hayden/Rousseau/Greenville/Lord dismiss us
    Hayden/Wade/Portuguese hymn The lord is our shepherd (Adeste fideles)
    Hayden/???/Federal street See gentle patience
    Hayden/Lvov/Russian hymn Prayer for peace
    Hayden//Scotch jig
    Hayden//Joys of wedlock jig
    Hayden//Go to the devil and shake yourself jig
    Hayden//Larry o'gaff jig
    Hayden//Devil's dream reel
    Hayden//Arkansas traveler reel
    Hayden//Irish washerwoman jig
    Hayden//St. patrick's day jig
Hayden CV//Constellation march
Hayden CV//Eleanor mazurka
Hayden CV//In dreamland waltzes
Hayden CV//Maidella waltz
Hayden CV//March brilliant
Hayden CV//Reverie
Hayden CV//Waltz gayety
Hayden CV//Waltz melody
Hayden CV/Desormes/Gen. Boulanger's march

HHHhhh...    (American)

Headley/Beethoven/Funeral march
Heerbrugger//Swiss air with variations
Henlein//The Exiles dream of home fantasia
Henlein//Funeral march
Henlein//Gypsy dance
Henlein//Impromptu grand waltz
Henlein//A midnight reverie
Henlein//Twilight polka (russian scord)
Henlein/Bishop/Home sweet home
Henlein/Brand/The Enquirer club
Henlein/Gillet/Recollections of the ball
Henlein/Hauser/Cradle Song
Henlein/Hermann/German war march
Henlein/Holst/Camp of glory march
Henlein/Lange O/Awakening of the birds
Henlein/Lange O/Flight of swallow waltz
Henlein/Lange O/Happy gondolier
Henlein/Lange O/Joyous shepherd
Henlein/Lange O/Moonlight serenade
Henlein/Sousa/The Stars and stripes forever march
Henlein/Tosti/Keeping watch o'er my loved ones
Henning op71//Lullaby
Henning/Beethoven/Sonate op26
Henning/Scott/Annie laurie (lauria) theme and variations
Henning/Tosti/Bid me goodbye
Herbert//Blue bells of scotland
Herbert/Bishop/Home sweet home
Herbert/Holland/Brainard CS/Western belle schottisch
Herbert/Holland/Brainard CS/Blue bell mazurka
  Herbert/Sor/Mozart/Magic flute
Hildreth//Jungle echoes A cocoanut dance
Hildreth/Wilder/The Dashing trooper march and two-step
Hildreth/Wood/Victorious harvard march and two-step
Holmes/Holbrook/In a hammock

HHHhhh...    (American)

Holland//Carnival of venice fantaisie
Holland//Dixie's land with variations
Holland//Spanish fandango
Holland//Spanish march
Holland//Spanish retreat, the celebrated
Holland?/Allen/Silver wave barcarolle
Holland/anonymous/Red, white and blue march
  Holland?/???/Slow waltz
Holland/Arditi/Il Bacio waltz
Holland/Beethoven/Gertrude's dream waltz
Holland/Beethoven/Webster's funeral march
Holland/Bishop/Home sweet home
Holland/Brainard CS/Moonlight mazurka
Holland?/Brainard CS/Starlight waltz
Holland?/Brainard HM/Ivy leaf waltz
Holland?/Brainard HM/Romantic polka
Holland/Burgmuller/The Wandering jew valse
Holland/Carcassi/Grand waltz
Holland/Coote/My queen waltzes
Holland/Czibulka/Stephanie gavotte de la princesse
Holland/D'Albert/The Peri waltzes
Holland/Francis/Grand russian march
Holland/Giese/Floweret "forget me not" gavotte
Holland/Godfrey/The Guard's waltz
Holland/Godfrey/Hilda waltzes
Holland/Godfrey/Mabel waltzes
Holland/Gottschalk/La Savane ballade creole
Holland/Gounod/Flower song from faust
Holland/Gounod/March in faust (ms)
Holland/Gung'l/The Fest march
Holland/Gungl/Sounds from home waltzes
Holland/Hays/Evangeline grand march
Holland/Jullien/La Prima donna waltz
Holland/Kinkel/Angel's serenade
Holland/Kinkel/Charming waltz
Holland/Kinkel/Heavenly thoughts
Holland/Kinkel/Little beauty (waltz)
Holland/Kinkel/Pearls of dew waltz
Holland/Labitzky/Natalien waltzes
Holland/Lanner/Morning star waltz
Holland/Leduc/Pearls of dew polka mazurka
Holland/Lisle/La Marseillaise/WINTER EVENINGS
Holland/Markt/Laughing may schottische
Holland/Mason/Nearer, my god to thee
Holland/Metoalfe/The Sack waltz
Holland/Mollenhaupt/Click-click waltz
Holland/Oesten/Gondellied/MATINEE MUSICALE
Holland/Pease/Antoinette polka mazurka/MATINEE MUSICALE
Holland/Pease/Delta kappa epsilon march (ms)
Holland/Pease/Delta kappa epsilon march
Holland/Resch/Secret love (heimliche liebe) gavotte
Holland/Rosabel/Pansy blossom waltz
Holland/Rosabel/Peek-a-boo waltz
Holland/Rosabel/See-saw waltz
Holland/Ruliston/Rochester schottisch
Holland/Sidney/The Ripple
Holland/Vilbre/Heavenward! marche celeste
Holland?/Wallerstein/Un premier amour redowa
Holland/Wrighton/Her bright smile
Holland/Wyman/Silvery waves
Holland/???/Last waltzes of a madman/MATINEE MUSICALE?
Holland/???/Paulinen polka
Holland/???/Sicilian mariners hymn O sanctissima o piisima
Holland/???/Sweet memories of thee Benedette sia la madre
Holland/???/Sweet thoughts mazurka
Holland: BOQUET OF MELODIES (collection ordered here by title)
  Holland/Rossini/   Barbier von sevilla, der
  Holland/Donizetti/ Fille du regiment, la
  Holland/Auber/     Fra diavolo
  Holland/Donizetti/ Lucia di lammermoor
  Holland/Donizetti/ Lucrezia borgia
  Holland/Flotow, Moore/ Martha
  Holland/Bellini/   Norma
  Holland/Weber/     Oberon
  Holland/Offenbach/ Perichole, la
  Holland/Bellini/   Puritani, il
  Holland/Verdi/     Rigoletto
  Holland/Gounod/    Romeo et juliette
  Holland/Bellini/   Sonnambula
  Holland/Verdi/     Traviata, la
  Holland/Verdi/     Trovatore, il
  Holland/Rossini/   William tell
  Holland/Herold/    Zampa
Holland JM/Bucalossi/Fedora waltz
Holland JM/Coe/Rover waltz
Holland JM/DeVere/Sinbad march
Holland JM/Dressler/The Coon schottisch
Holland JM/Kieffer/National guard grand march
Holland JM/Kinkel/Florie's waltz/CHOICE MELODIES
Holland JM/Kolbe/Water drop schottische
Holland JM/Rosabel/Sweet roses waltz
Holland JM/Sidney/Bell flower scottisch
Holland JM/Stasny/Kutschke polka
Holland JM/???/Beggar student waltz
Holland JM/???/Sailing march

HHHhhh    (American)

Houston//Rondo for the spanish guitar
Huerta//Gran vals para guitarra espan~ola

IIIiii    (American)

JJJjjj...    (American)

Jacobs//Cradle-song waltz
Jacobs//Fair minka Russian air
  Jacobs//Spanish follies
Jacobs//Heart so true mazurka de concert
Jacobs//Mazurka de salon
Jacobs/Allen/Dance of the skeletons
Jacobs/Armstrong/Love and beauty The celebrated waltzes for banjo
Jacobs/Bachmann/Succes mazurka
Jacobs/Balfe/The Heart bowed down
Jacobs/Balfe/Then you'll remember me from the Bohemian girl
Jacobs/Bohm/Lizzie salon mazurka
Jacobs/Chopin/Mazurka op7 no2
Jacobs/Chopin/Mazurka op33 no3
Jacobs/Claribel/I cannot sing the old songs
Jacobs/Claribel/Take back the heart
Jacobs/Damm/The Happy wanderer
Jacobs/Dreyfus/Antar intermezzo oriental
Jacobs/Farrand/Dance characteristic The Pixies
Jacobs/Farrand/The Story-teller waltzes
Jacobs/Foster/Massa's in the cold, cold ground
Jacobs/Foster/My old kentucky home
Jacobs/Foster/Old folks at home
Jacobs/Geibel/Kentucky babe
  Jacobs/Michel/German air
Jacobs/Holst/Shepherd lullaby reverie
Jacobs/Kenneth/Bostonian march and two-step
Jacobs/Lange/Fond hearts must part
Jacobs/Lange/Albumblatt Album leaf
  Jacobs/Gurlitt/Morning prayer
Jacobs/Loeshhorn/Morning song
Jacobs/Molloy/Love's old sweet song
Jacobs/O'Connor/The Happy jap Geisha dance
Jacobs/Schrammel/Vienna ma belle march
  Jacobs/Beethoven/Adagio theme
Jacobs/Smith Seymour/Lady betty An old english dance
Jacobs/Stannard/B.M.I. march
Jacobs/Stiehl/Album leaf
Jacobs/Thurston/Going to sleep
Jacobs/Verdi/Prison song Miserere from Il Trovatore
Jacobs/WagnerJF/Under the double eagle march
Jacobs/Yradier/La Paloma
Jacobs/???/The Long long weary day
  Jacobs//Prelude in e minor
  Jacobs/Harrison/In the gloaming

JJJjjj...    (American)

Janon//Addie waltz
Janon//Blue bells of scotland
Janon//Dance of the frogs
Janon//Eugenie waltz
  Janon/Giese/Flow'ret forget me not gavotte
Janon//First whisper of love gavotte
Janon//Love's confession
Janon//La Tyrolienne
Janon//Witches' revel
Janon/Abt/O! ye tears
Janon/Arditi/Il Bacio waltz
Janon/Arditi/L'Ingenue morceau a la gavotte
Janon/Arnaud/Pleasures of spring
Janon/Baumfelder/Rondo mignon
Janon/Beaumont/Slumber sweetly
Janon/Becucci/Sorriso d'amore
Janon/Behr/Fire balls mazurka
Janon/Behr/Turtle dove polka
Janon/Bellini/La Sonnambula
Janon/Bishop/Home sweet home
Janon/Bohm/La Zingana mazurka hongroise
Janon/Braga/La Serenata The angels serenade
Janon/Braisted & Carter/She was bred in old kentucky
Janon/Chopin/Nocturne op9 no2
Janon/Classen/On the rhine
Janon/Cottrau/L'Addio a napoli
Janon/Cole/The Maiden with the dreamy eyes
Janon/Czibulka/May queen gavotte
Janon/Donizetti/Lucia de lammermoor
Janon/Donizetti/Il Spirito gentil
Janon/Eilenberg/Blue violet mazurka caprice
Janon/Fliege/Only for thee polka mazurka
Janon/Florence/Bloomer march 2 step
Janon/Foster/Old folks at home ded. Trinkaus
Janon/Ganne/La Czarina mazurka russe
Janon/Gaunt/Push dem clouds away
Janon/Gautier/Le secret Intermezzo pizzicato
Janon/Giece/Forest wanderings
Janon/Giese/Daffodils march
Janon/Gillet/Loin du ball
Janon/Gottschalk/The Last hope Religious meditation
Janon/Gottschalk/Marche de nuit
Janon/Guglielmo/The Lover and the bird
Janon/Gumbert/Ye merry birds
Janon/Heelan & Helf/In the house of too much trouble
Janon/Henrion/Chanson d'amour
Janon/Horwitz & Bowers/Every day is sunshine when the heart beats true
Janon/Krug?/O sanctissima
Janon/LaCalle/Hurrah boys! march and two-step (or by A. Lange?)
Janon/Lange/Heather rose
Janon/Lange/Little wanderer
Janon/Lange/Old love tyrolienne
Janon/Loeschorn/Good night
Janon/Lortzing/Dreams of the past
Janon/Lutz/Skirt dance from Faust up to date
Janon/Mattei/Non e ver
Janon/Mendelssohn/Spring song
Janon/Mendelssohn/Venetian gondolier
Janon/Metra/Valse espagnole
Janon/Milburn, Winner/Mocking bird
Janon/Moore ???/Senorita valse espanole
Janon/Moore R/Sweet marie
Janon/Pacher/Austrian song
Janon/Rice/Romanza from Evangeline
Janon/Rubinstein/Rubinstein melody in F
Janon/Schubert/Last greeting
Janon/Sloane/What's the matter with the moon to night
Janon/Slone/Sly musette
Janon/Strauss/The Blue danube waltzes
Janon/Thome'/Simple aveu
Janon/Trotere/In old madrid
Janon/Trotere/Leonore bolero
Janon/Verdi/Cavatina from the opera of Ernani
Janon/Verdi/La Donna e mobile from verdi's Rigoletto
Janon/Verdi/La Traviata
Janon/Verdi/Il Trovatore
Janon/Vieuxtemps/Fantaisie caprice ded. Romero
Janon/Wagner/March from Tannhau"ser
Janon/Wagner/O thou sublime sweet evening star
Janon/Wagner/The Pilgrims' chorus from Tannhauser
Janon/Watson/The Bell gavotte
Janon/Wrighton/Her bright smile
Janon/Zeller/The Nightingale's song from The tyrolean
Janon/???/L'alba mazurka
Janon/???/Baby mazurka
Janon/???/How can I leave thee
Janon/???/Varuna gavotte
  Janon/Abt F/Sleep well sweet angel
  Janon/Czibulka/Stephanie gavotte
  Janon/Lange/Lange's blumenlied Flower song
  Janon//Caissa waltz
  Janon/Norton/Juanita spanish serenade
  Janon/Beane/Call me back again march
  Janon/Reichardt/Thou art so near and yet so far
  Janon/Thomas JR/'Tis but a little faded flower
  Janon/Wellings/Some day
  Janon/???/One heart one soul
  Janon/Bayly/Long long ago brilliant transcription
  Janon//Florence gavotte
  Janon//Zamora spanish dance
  Janon/Desormes/Boulanger's grand march
  Janon/Ariles/A media noche midnight
  Janon//Tuxedo mazurka
  Janon/Jacobowsky/Lullaby from erminie
  Janon/Jacobowsky/Gavotte from erminie
  Janon/Leybach/5th nocturne
  Janon//La Coquette mazurka
  Janon/Kottaun/Beatrice gavotte
  Janon/Schubert/Schubert's serenade
  Janon//The American lily Morceau de salon
  Janon//Orient sunbeams
  Janon//Autumnal twilight Melody nocturne
  Janon/Loretz/The Sigh waltz
  Janon/???/7th regiment quickstep
  Janon/Vogt/Night song Nachtgesang from Nocturne op10 no2
  Janon/Ku"cken/Good night farewell

JJJjjj    (American)

Jansen//Beyond good by romanza
Jansen//Summer breezes mazurka
Jewell/Schulhoff/Valse brillante op6
Johnson//Echoes from the casino
Johnson//Melange plaintive (E maj scord)
Johnson//The Monterey
Jones CL/Czibulka/Stephany gavotte
Jones CL/Foster/Suwanee river
Jones CL/Harrison/In the gloaming
Jones G/The Toledo waltz
JTR/Godfrey/Guard's waltz
JTR/Strauss/Beautiful blue danube waltzes
  JTR/???/Silver bell schottische
Judson/Stults/I love a maid
Jung//Fleure du genesee

KKKkkk    (American)

Keefe//Juliet mazurka
Kinkel//Whisperings of love
Kinnaman/Foster/Suwanee river
Kitchener/Holst/El Ole
Klohr/Sousa/Manhattan beach march
Knoop//Spanish flower dance la jota arangonesa
Korp//Wermlandsvisa volkslied
  Korp/Moore/Last rose of summer
Korp/???/Bjo"rneborganes march
Kraft//Morning star waltz
Kraft//Aurea waltz
  Kru"ger/Alary?/The Sontag polka (by D'Albert?)
  Kru"ger/Kleber/The Coral schottische
  Kru"ger/Bellini/Katy darling
  Kru"ger/Kleber/Rainbow schottisch
  Kru"ger//Mollie's gallop
  Kru"ger//Festival quick step
Ku"ffner/Auber/On yonder rock from Fra Diavolo
Kugler//First flirtation waltz
Kugler//Valse de concerto
Kugler//Two pearls of love polka
Kugler/Brooke/The Popular swing march
Kugler/Christie/The Daisy waltz
Kugler/Godard/The Cosmopolitan march
Kugler/Krell/Strolling on the beach
Kugler/Krell/The Time he loves the best
Kugler/Maywood/Ambolena snow two-step
Kugler/Maywood/Molly on the trolley
Kugler/Sterrett/My little rose
Kugler/Verner/Dicky darling
Kugler/Verner/Don't you think I'm just the girl
Kugler/Verner/I want to pawn my dolly
Kugler/Verner/Inga Olson
Kugler/Verner/Pride of my heart waltz
Kugler/Verner/Pride of the ball waltz
Kugler/Verner/You promised to love and protect me
Kugler/Verner/Won't you play house with me
Kugler/Witt/You are the girl I love

LLLlll    (American)

Lange A//Reverberations of mexico
Langey A//Carnival of venice
Lanner/Gounod/Faust waltz (Holland tie-in?)
Lano//Eveline waltz (D maj scord)
Lano//Moorish dance
Lano/Beethoven/Minuet no. 2 in G
Lano/Moore/Last rose of summer (D maj scord)
Leddy/Flotow/How so fair!
Leddy/Mozart/O dolce concento
Lemberg/Donizetti/Grand march from Anna bolena
Lemberg/Emmet/Emmet's lullaby
Lemberg/Foster/The Old folks at home
Lemberg/Fulmer/Wait till the clouds roll by
Lemberg/Milburn, Winner/The Mocking bird
Lemberg/Tucker/Sweet genevieve
Lemberg/???/Storm march galop
Letcher/Strauss/??? (ms)
Lewis/Beethoven/Farewell to the piano
Lewis//The Galop of the goblins
Lewis/Mascagni/Intermezzo Cavalleria rusticana
Lewis/Paderewski/Menuet a` l'antique
  Lhulier//Cherry and fair star
  Lhulier//Grand waltz
  Lhulier//Spanish dance
  Lhulier//Grand waltz
  Lhulier//Spanish fandango
  Lhulier//The Chase
  Lhulier//Grand mexican march (C major scord)
  Lhulier//L'hulier's grand march
  Lhulier//L'hulier's fancy
  Lhulier//Au clair de la lune
  Lhulier//Hunting air
  Lhulier//The Blue bell's of scotland
  Lhulier//Queen victoria's quick step
  Lhulier//Tambarine waltz
  Lindsey//My rocky mountain home (russian scord)
  Lindsey//San juan waltz
  Lindsey//Nellie gray (scord)
  Lindsey//Lie low (2 gtr, scord)
Lopes//Companion's serenade
  Lopes//A suadade ballad
  Lopes//Cuckoo at home
  Lopes/Bishop/Home sweet home
Lopes//Naples amusements fantasia (E maj scord)
Lopes//Portuguese retreat (scord)
Lopes/Badarzewska/The Maiden's prayer La Priere d'un vierge
Lopes/Balfe/I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls opera Bohemian girl
Lopes/Bellini/Aria du pirata fragment from the opera Il Pirata
Lopes/Bellini/March from Norma
Lopes/Rossini/Pas de trois et choeur tyrolienne opera William tell
Lopes/Verdi/Back to our mountains from Il Trovatore
  Lopes/Sullivan/Prithee pretty maiden Patience
  Lopes/Balfe/Then you'll remember me Bohemian girl
  Lopes/Audran/Waltz song first love Olivette
  Lopes/Moore/Last rose of summer Martha
Luigi//Awake lady wake! serenade
Luigi//Fond memories waltz
Luigi//Trilby's dream romance
Luigi//The Request serenade
Luigi/Verdi/Minuetto Falstaff
Lynde//Lulu's dream waltz

MMMmmm    (American)

Mann//Affaire d'honneur
Mansfield//The Echo waltz
Mansfield//The Esther caprice
Mansfield//The Talmud
Marcell/Corbin/Santiago valse espagnola
Marcell/???/Sweet spirit hear my prayer
Marco/???/Fantasia on We never speak
Martin/Dellinger/Serenade from Don cesar
Martin/Jacobowski/Erminie selections
Martinez/Nicholson?/Nicholson's celebrated waltz
Martinez/???/Waltz subject from the overture Elisa e claudio
Materi/Tosti/Marechiare canto napolitano
May//Pleasant dream waltz
May/Curti/La Tipica polka
May/Strauss/Two hearts beat as one york dance
McClellan/Bishop/Fantasia home sweet home
Meignen/Boieldieu/Chorus in La Dame blanche
Meignen/Reissiger/Von weber's last waltz
Meignen/Rossini/Cinderella waltz (=Tyrolienne from Guillaume tell)
Meignen/Rossini/Grand march in Cinderella
Meignen/Rossini?/Isabel waltz
Meignen/Weber/The Hunter's chorus (Der Freischu"tz)
Meignen/???/Alpine march
Meignen: THE GIFT a selection of favorite melodies
  Meignen/Weber/The Hunter's chorus (Der Freischu"tz)
  Meignen/Weber/The Bridesmaid chorus (Der Freischu"tz)
  Meignen/Weber/Waltz in der Freischutz
  Meignen/Weber/Grand waltz in der Freyschutz
  Meignen/Rossini/Grand march in Tancredi (includes Di tanti palpiti)
  Meignen/???/Polish waltz
Mertz//Three landler waltzes
Meyer//Pleasant reveries waltz
Meyer//March of the guards
Meyer/Molloy/Love's old sweet song
Montagna/Braga/Santa lucia barcarola
Moore A//Daffodil waltz
Moore A//A lullaby
  Moore JF//Little maiden waltz  2g
  Moore JF//Pioneta march
Morena/Langey O/Mexican serenade
Morena/Yradier/La Paloma The dove

NNNnnn    (American)

Newton/Foster/The Old kentucky home
Newton/Mascagni/Intermezzo sinfonico from Cavalleria rusticana ded. Bemis
Nillson/Schumann/Jolly farmer

OOOooo    (American)

Obarrio/Bachmann/Les sylphes caprice valse
Obarrio/Beaumont/With my love Con amore
Obarrio/Bucalossi/La Gitana waltz
Obarrio/Delibes/Pizzicati from Sylvia
Obarrio/Eilenberg/First heart-throbs gavotte
Obarrio/Ho"lzel or Wentworth/Twilight reverie
Obarrio/Smith Seymour/Dorothy old english dance
Obarrio/Waldman/The Little fishermaiden waltz
Odell/Nevin/The Rosary
  Oehler/???/The Broken ring
  Oehler//Blue bells of scotland
  Oehler/Balfe/From Bohemian girl Then you'll remember me
  Oehler/Coffey/Robin adair
Oehler/Desormes/Boulanger's march En revenant de la revue
Oehler/Emmet/Castle bells
Oehler/Emmet/Love of the shamrock
Oehler/Webster/In the sweet by-and-by
Orme: THE FORGE (E maj scord)
  Orme/Foster/Old folks at home
  Orme/Bishop/Home sweet home
Ortenstein/Mendelssohn/Wedding march
Ortenstein/Yradier/La Paloma

PPPppp    (American)

Pearson/Bishop/Home sweet home
Pearson/Doane/Pass me not
  Pearson/Sankey/I am praying for you
Pearson/Mason/Nearer my God to thee
  Pearson/Phillips P/Home of the soul
Pearson/Roeder/Love's dreamland waltz
Perez/Boieldeau/Overture to the Caliph of bagdad
  Persley/???/Hail columbia
  Persley/anonymous/Red, white & blue
  Persley/Claribel/Take back the heart
  Persley/???/A, b, c, d. Mme. l'archiduc
  Persley/Herve/Galop from Chilperic
  Persley//Arkansas traveller
  Persley//Wearing of the green
  Persley/???/U & I waltz
  Persley/???/Blue beard
  Persley/???/Come back to erin
  Persley/???/Pirate's chorus
  Persley/Gounod/Soldier's chorus
  Persley/anonymous/Yankee doodle
Persley/Bailey/Summer twilight Romance without words
Persley/Blake/Song of the angels Reverie celestial ded. Mrs. Henning
Persley/Braga/Angel's serenade
Persley/Coote/My queen waltzes
Persley/Czibulka/Stephanie gavotte
Persley/Desormes/Boulanger's march en revenant de la revue
Persley/Kiallmark/The Old oaken bucket
Persley/Lecocq/Girofle-girofla waltzes
Persley/Lennox/Love's golden dream
Persley/Mascagni/Cavalleria rusticana intermezzo
Persley/Mendelssohn/Wedding march
Persley/Snow/Rippling stream ded. Kugler
Persley/Sweet/La Madonna Meditation religioso
Persley/Verdi/Home to our mountains Il Trovatore
Persley/Waldmann/Little fishermaiden waltz
Persley/White/Rock-a-by baby up on a tree top
Persley/???/Palm of peace waltzes
Persley/???/Skirt dance
Phipps/Bochsa/Bochsa's celebrated harp march arranged as a divertimento
Pique/Verdi/Bolero sicilian vespers (ms)
Pique/Wallace/Scenes that are brightest maritana (ms)
Pique/Weber/Song of the mermaids oberon (ms)
Plumb//Waltz toboggan
Pomeroy//A sunday in mexico
Prandiville/Zeller/Aranson/Nightingale song From the Tyrolean (handwritten "Aranson. Arr by Prandiville")

QQQqqq    (American)

RRRrrr    (American)

Rawson//Mazurka a la hongroise
Repass//American fandango (russian scord)
  Richter//Prussian guard retreat
  Richter//Favorite galopade
  Richter//Sans souci
  Richter//My dear village
  Richter//Life in america
  Richter//Life in germany
  Richter//The Bride's waltz
Rieger//Mistletoe waltz
Roach/McMullen/Allyne polka
Romero//Fantasie americaine.  Incorporates:
  Romero/Balfe/Then you'll remember me
  Romero/Milburn, Winner/Listen to the mocking bird
Romero//Souvenir d'amerique.  Incorporates:
  Romero/Ferrer/Intro to Home sweet home
  Romero/Foster/Old folks at home
Romero/Arevalo/La Suplica danza habanera
Romero/Canning/Lullaby song (ms)
Romero/Corbin/Santiago valse espagnole
Romero/Curti/Recuerdos mazurka
Romero/Czibulka/Stephanie gavotte
Romero/Ferrer/Peruvian air melodia espanola
Romero/Gounod/Marche funebra d'une marionette (ms)
Romero/Lange/Flower song
Romero/Metra/Serenade (ms)
Romero/Monti/Petit marquise
Romero/Moszkowski/Serenata serenade (ms)
Romero/Thomas A/Gavotte Mignon (A)
Romero/Thomas A/Gavotte Mignon (D)
Romero/Waldteufel/Bella bocca polka
Romero/Wieniawski/Polish national dance Kuiawiak mazurka
Romero/???/Un beso mazurka A kiss
Romero/???/A maidensong (ms)
Rubio//La Malaguena Spanish air
Rupp/Kleber/Pearl polka
Russell/Donizetti/A favorite air from Lucia di lammermoor
Russell/Milburn, Winner/Listen to the mocking bird
Russell/Mozart, Mack?/Mozart's oxen waltz
Russell/???/General sigel's grand march

SSSsss...    (American)

Salvini/Beaumont/Slumber sweetly gavotte
Salvini/Braga/Angel's serenade
Salvini/Giese/Forget me not gavotte
Salvini/Lowthian/Myosotis waltz
Santisteban/Audran/Wise men and sages from La Mascotte
  Santisteban/Wallace/Scenes that are brightest from Maritana
Santisteban/Balfe/I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls
Santisteban/Balfe/Then you'll remember me
Santisteban/Brinkmann/Remember me fantaisie
Santisteban/Coffey/Robin adair
  Santisteban/Donizetti/Now thy flight to heaven from Lucia di lammermoor
Santisteban/Czibulka/Stephanie gavotte
Santisteban/Donizetti/Sextette from Lucia di lammermoor
Santisteban/Lange/Flower song
Santisteban/Liliuokalani/Aloha oe! hawaiian air
  Santisteban/???/Like no a like hawaiian air
Santisteban/Lopez/Adios spanish dance
Santisteban/Marie/Serenade badine
Santisteban/Planquette/On billow rocking barcarole from the Bells of corneville
Santisteban/Scharwenka/Polish dance
Santisteban/Verdi/La Donna e mobile from Rigoletto
Santisteban/Verdi/Fantasie from Rigoletto
Santisteban/Verdi/Il Trovatore
Santisteban/Yradier/La Paloma habanera

SSSsss    (American)

  Scherrer/Chilesotti/anonymous/Pezzo tedesco nr. 97
  Scherrer/Chilesotti/anonymous/Madrigale nr. 28
  Scherrer/Chilesotti/anonymous/Hunergschrei nr. 58
  Scherrer/Chilesotti/anonymous/Se io m'accorgo ben mio d'un altro amante nr. 2
  Scherrer/Chilesotti/anonymous/Dove son quei fieri occhi? nr. 20
  Scherrer/Chilesotti/anonymous/Hor ch'io son gionto quivi fra queste fonti et rivi nr. 15
  Scherrer/Chilesotti/anonymous/Corrente nr. 74
  Scherrer/Chilesotti/anonymous/Courante nr. 77
  Scherrer/Chilesotti/anonymous/Mascherada nr. 43
  Scherrer/Chilesotti/anonymous/Mascherada nr. 21
  Scherrer/Chilesotti/anonymous/Gagliarda nr. 35
  Scherrer/Chilesotti/anonymous/O pastorello cara... nr. 3
Schoenefeld/Donizetti/Lucrezia borgia
  Schoenefeld/Gruber/Merry christmas (Silent night)
  Schoenefeld//O sanctissima
  Schoenefeld/Bayly/Long long ago
  Schoenefeld/???/Minnie my darling
Schoenefeld/Moore/Last rose of summer no. 1
  Schoenefeld/Moore/Last rose of summer no. 2
  Schoenefeld/???/The Long and weary day
  Schoenefeld/Mason/Nearer my god to thee
  Schoenefeld/Balfe/Then you'll remember me
  Schoenefeld/???/Soldier's farewell
Schubert//La Cachucha
  Schuman//Sunset gleam rondo
  Schuman//Lawn quickstep
  Schuman//Glen polka
Shaeffer//Cradle song variations
  Shaeffer//Spinning song
Shaeffer//A leaf from memory
  Shaeffer/Ascher/Alice where art thou
Shaeffer//Loving I think of thee
  Shaeffer/Mozart/Theme from mozart
  Shaeffer//Song of the leaves
Shaeffer//The Merry polka
  Shaeffer//Dearest of all waltz
Shaeffer/Bishop/Home sweet home variations
Shaeffer/Mantz/Prayer imitation of a harp
Shaeffer/Mascagni/Intermezzo cavalleria rusticana
Shaeffer/Yradier/La Paloma the dove
Shattinger/Offenbach/La Grande duchesse potpouri
Shide/Mertz/Deliciosa polka or Leonora polka
Shide/???/Chant du ciel waltz
Sims JH/???/Danse des arabes
Sims TH/Robyn/Manzanillo danza mexicana
Sims TH/Scott/Annie laurie
Smith FA/Thome'/Simple aveu
Smith JC//The American guitarist grand opera march (russian scord)
Smith JC/Bishop/Sweet home with 9 original variations (russian scord)
Smith WJ/Scott/Annie laurie
Soria//La Petenera Spanish air
Spangenberg/Bishop/Home sweet home and var
Stahl/Molloy/Love's old sweet song
Stahl/Verdi/Prison song from Il Trovatore
Stephens/Emmet/The Ragamuffin's lullaby
Stickles/Strauss/One heart one soul Yorke dance
Stickles/Waldteufel/Dolores waltz
Stickles/???/Zig zag military schottische
Stobbe/Hall/American cadet march
Stobbe/Reeves/Utopian march
Stobbe/Sousa/The Corcoran cadets march
Stobbe/Sousa/The National fencibles march (The march past of...)
Stobbe/Sousa/The Picadore march

TTTttt    (American)

Tamaro/Thome'/Simple confession
Tarrega/Berlioz/Vals de las silfides de la Damnation de faust de berlioz
Tarrega/Wagner/Marcha de tannha"user
Tarrega/Wagner/Tannhauser fragmento de la sinfonia
Taylor//Cuban tarantelle
Theiss//Frontera spanish waltz
Theiss//Fort bell gavotte
Tocaben/Tobani/Cupidietta intermezzo
Tocaben/???/Habanera to thee
Tozetti/Henry/The Colored ragamuffins characteristic march and two step
Tozetti/Sullivan/You're as welcome as the flowers in may
Trinkaus/Aarons/My lucky star
Trinkaus/Armstrong/You're the flower of my heart sweet adeline
Trinkaus/Barker R/The Golf club march and two-step
Trinkaus/Barker R/In summer time gavotte
Trinkaus/Barker R/Wedding chimes schottische
Trinkaus/Barker R/The Yacht club march and two step
Trinkaus/Bendix/The Lambs gambol danse eccentrique
Trinkaus/Bendix/Little innocent gavotte
Trinkaus/Bendix/In beauty's bower idylle
Trinkaus/Bratton/The Belle of the season march and two step
Trinkaus/Bratton/Dream days of seville morceau espagnole
Trinkaus/Bratton/Gayest manhattan march and two-step
Trinkaus/Bratton/In a cosy corner a novelette
Trinkaus/Bratton/It's sunshiny weather because we're together
Trinkaus/Bratton/The Rose's honeymoon reverie
Trinkaus/Bratton/Rubber neck jim two-step and cake-walk
Trinkaus/Casey/Sing me a song of the south
Trinkaus/Devries/The Evening bell la cloche du soir berceuse
Trinkaus/Dillea/Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Trinkaus/Edwards/Good-bye little girl good-bye
Trinkaus/Edwards/Selection from the comic opera the Jolly musketeer
Trinkaus/Edwards/March from the comic opera the Jolly musketeer
Trinkaus/Edwards/Waltzes from the comic opera the Jolly musketeer
Trinkaus/Haskins/The Sentry march
Trinkaus/Heartz/My alamo love
Trinkaus/Herbert: THE AMEER
  Trinkaus/Herbert/Cupid will guide romance from the Ameer
  Trinkaus/Herbert/March from the comic opera the Ameer
Trinkaus/Herbert: FORTUNE TELLER
  Trinkaus/Herbert/March from the comic opera the Fortune teller
  Trinkaus/Herbert/Selection from the comic opera the Fortune teller
  Trinkaus/Herbert/Waltzes from the comic opera the Fortune teller
Trinkaus/Herbert/Gypsy love song
Trinkaus/Herbert/I can't do the sum (attr. Luders)
Trinkaus/Herbert/Waltzes from the comic opera the Singing girl
Trinkaus/Holst/April fool's day mazurka
Trinkaus/Holst/Zingala danse espanola
Trinkaus/Jaxone/La Serenata
Trinkaus/Kelly/I can't find another love like nell
Trinkaus/Langford/Gavotte-pompadour a stately dance
Trinkaus/Loraine/Zamona An arabian intermezzo
Trinkaus/Luders/Dainty little ingenue
Trinkaus/Luders/Heidelberg stein song
Trinkaus/Luders/The Message of the violet
Trinkaus/Luders/The Tale of the kangaroo march and two step
Trinkaus/Mann/The Whirlpool march and two step
Trinkaus/Mascagni/Intermezzo from cavalleria rusticana
Trinkaus/Michaelis/In command march and two-step
Trinkaus/O'hare/The Czarevitch mazurka
Trinkaus/O'hare/Ky-isses kisses
Trinkaus/O'hare/Plantation pastimes
Trinkaus/Perlet/Dolly from Mam'selle awkins
Trinkaus/Perrin/Ma afro-mexican queen
Trinkaus/Phillips W/Spanish beauty
Trinkaus/Robyn/San domingo intermezzo from the Yankee consul
Trinkaus/Roeder/Love's dreamland waltzes
Trinkaus/Rubens/Bride bells waltzes
Trinkaus/Scharwenka/Polish dance
Trinkaus/Silberberg/Off to camp march and two step
Trinkaus/Starr/You're so good daddy
Trinkaus/Stromberg/Come down ma evening star
Trinkaus/Thornton/When you were sweet sixteen
Trinkaus/Trinkaus GJ/Mercedes spanish waltzes
Trinkaus/Trinkaus GJ/Rambling ebenezer characteristic cake-walk
Trinkaus/Udall/Stay in your own backyard
Trinkaus/Wathall/Since I first met you
Trinkaus/Whitney/The Donkey laugh A musical horse on you
Trinkaus/Whitney/Frog puddles
Trinkaus/Whitney/The Mosquito's parade A jersey review
Trinkaus/Whitney/The Palmetto
Trinkaus/Witmark/La Carmela
Trinkaus/Witmark/Cyrano waltzes
Trinkaus/Witmark/Zenda waltzes
Trinkaus TP GJ/Ball/My dear
Trinkaus TP GJ/Ball/Norma darling
Trinkaus TP GJ/Ball/Love me and the world is mine
Trinkaus TP GJ/Ball/Will you love me in december as you do in may?
Trinkaus TP GJ/Carle/A lemon in the garden of love from the Spring chicken
Trinkaus TP GJ/Ellis/When love is young
Trinkaus TP GJ/Hoffman/On san francisco bay from the Parisian model
Trinkaus TP GJ/Hoffman/Kiss-kiss-kiss If you want to learn to kiss from the Parisian model
Trinkaus TP GJ/Klein/Lucia my italian maid from Neptune's daughter
Trinkaus TP GJ/Klein/Moon dear
Trinkaus TP GJ/Luders/My hula-hula girl from the grand mogul
Trinkaus TP GJ/Luders/Nestle by my side from the grand mogul
Trinkaus TP GJ/Spink/Bill simmons i've got to dance till the band gits through
Trinkaus TP GJ/White/Sleep and forget song
Tyrrell//The Angelus gavotte

UUUuuu    (American)

VVVvvv    (American)

Vallo//Spanish fandango (scord GGDGBD)
  Wailand/???: THREE MAZURKAS
    Wailand/???/Cape may mazurka
    Wailand/???/Nahant mazurka
    Wailand/???/Staten island mazurka
  ???/Strauss/Hope waltz
  ???//Carnival of venice
  ???/???/Rory o'moore
    Worrall//A life on the ocean wave
    Worrall//Waltz no. 1
    Worrall//Waltz no. 2
    Worrall//Sturm gallop
  Leddy/Auber/Trumpet march (Fra diavolo)
  Leddy/Emmet/Love is a flower
  Leddy/???/The Lauterbach waltz
  Clark E/???/Pansy and violets medley.  Incorporates:
    Clark E/???/Cuckoo song
    Clark E/???/Sweet violets
    Clark E/???/Only a pansy blossom
  JTR/Emmet/Emmet's lullaby
  JTR/Bishop/Home sweet home with variations
  ???/???/The Ladies' reception grand march
  JTR/???/My favorite
  Carcassi//Amusement waltz
  Varnschein//Dreams of old piedmont.  Incorporates:
    Varnschein//Sissie waltz
    Varnschein//Jennie waltz
    Varnschein//Happy cottage schottisch
    Varnschein//Fannie polka
    Varnschein/???/Fare thee well all ties are broken
  JTR/Resch/Secret love gavotte
  JTR/???/Susan jane schottische
  JTR/Suppe/Boccaccio march
  JTR//Awful cute schottische
  JTR//On the move march
  JTR/Offenbach/Air from Genevieve de brabrant
  ???/Bellini/Hear me norma
  ???/???/March from Coral caves
  Bostwick/D'Albert/Peri waltzes
  JTR//Blue bells of scotland with variations
  JTR/???/Slur waltz
  JTR/???/Medley polka
Vimeux/Strauss/The Duke of reichstadt's favorite waltz
Vorhauer/Mascagni/Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana
Vorhauer/Tobani/Hearts and flowers a new flower song
Vreeland//Bank of violets
Vreeland//The Blushing bride gavotte
Vreeland//Triton mazurka
Vreeland//Youth and beauty waltz
Vreeland/Baker/Merry Princess march
Vreeland/Holst/Happy birds waltz
Vreeland/Kneass/Ben bolt or Oh! don't you remember
Vreeland/Lewis/Couer de lion march
Vreeland/Mascagni/Intermezzo from cavalleria rusticana
Vreeland/Rollinson/Village bells characteristic
Vreeland/Stults/The Sweetest story ever told

WWWwww    (American)

Wanczura/Bellini/March from the opera norma
Weidt//At the club march
Weidt//Beggar's dance polka two-step
Weidt//The Black cupid schottische
Weidt//Boston yodle dance a la fandango
Weidt//The Budding Rose mazurka
Weidt//Down the pike march and two-step
Weidt//The Jolly new yorker march and two-step
Weidt//Koonville koonlets characteristic cake walk two-sep march
Weidt//Lillies of the valley waltz
Weidt//Little aristocrat petite danse
Weidt//Luella waltz
Weidt//Montclair Galop
Weidt//New life gavotte
Weidt//The Parting reverie
Weidt//Queen of roses waltzes
Weidt//Silent love waltzes
Weidt//The Speedway galop
Weidt//Wild flowers schottische
Weiland/Jullien/Prima donna waltz
  Weiland/Verdi/The Celebrated drinking song from la Traviata
  Weiland/???/Ellen polka
  Weiland//Twilight dews A favorite french air
  Weiland/???/Bohemian polka
  Weiland/Donizetti/Air from Lucia di lammermoor
  Weiland/Donizetti/Air from Marino Faliero
  Weiland//Annie lawrie schottisch
  Weiland/Verdi/The Troubadour's song from the opera il Trovatore
  Weiland/???/Dearest spot of earth to me is home
  Carcassi//Annie waltz
Weiland: THE LYRE NO. 1
  Weiland/Bellini/March from Puritani
  Weiland/???/Dandy jim
  Weiland/???/Lucy neal
Weiland: THE LYRE NO. 2
  Weiland/Balfe/When the fair land of poland
  Weiland/Balfe/Come with the gipsy bride
  Weiland/Musard/Baden baden polka
  Weiland//Catherina polka
  Weiland/Adam/Chorus in le Postillon de lonjumeau
Weishaupt//Delightfull clog
  Weishaupt/???/Star of hope waltz
Wessenberg/Chopin/Funeral march
Wessenberg/Hoffmann/Pizzicato gavotte
Wessenberg/Jacobowsky/Lullaby from Erminie
Wessenberg/Lange/Flower song Blumenlied
Wessenberg/Mascagni/Intermezzo from Cavalleria rusticana
Wessenberg/Moszkowski/Spanish dance no1
Wessenberg/Rubinstein/Melodie in F op3
Wessenberg/Schubert/Schubert's serenade
Wessenberg/Sousa/King cotton march
Wessenberg/Sousa/The Directorate march
Wessenberg/Sousa/A typical tune of zanzibar from the opera El capitan
Wessenberg/Verdi/Miserere from Il Trovatore
Wessenberg/Verdi/Selection from Il Trovatore
Wessenberg/???/Funeral march
Wessenberg/???/Stella polka
White//Only tired (with Rousseau quote)
Whitelaw/Hoffman/Fan drill march
Wiebking//Golden tresses gavotte
Willey/Mendelssohn/Consolation song without words
Williams//Little carrie schottische
  Winkler//Darling marie waltz
  Winkler//Sweet nellie's waltz
  Winkler//Welcome waltz
  Winkler/Weber/Barcarole from Oberon
  Winkler/Auber/On yonder rock reclining Air from Fra diavalo
  Winkler//Surprise waltz
  Winkler//Happy times waltz
  Winkler//Contentment waltz
Winner/???/Trab trab galop
Winner/Mack/Nellie grant's wedding march
Winner/Schacht/Satanella or Devil's call galop
  Winner/anonymous/Believe me if all those endearing
  Winner/Weiland/Ode to the hon. henry clay
  Winner/Foster/Old dog tray
  Winner/Foster?/Farewell my lilly dear
  Winner/Donizetti/Air from Lucia di lammermoor  2g
  Winner/Foster?/Ellen bayne
  Winner/Foster/Nellie bly
  Winner/???/Katy darling
  Winner/Gungel/Festival quickstep
Worrall//The Spanish retreat
Worrall//Violet waltz (scord DGDGBD)
Worrall/???/Fantasia on Lucy long
  Worrall//What be king but charlie
  Worrall//Spanish dance
  Worrall//Gliding jessy
  Worrall//Fisher's hornpipe
  Worrall//Celebrated spanish serenade
  Worrall//Smith's west end serenade  2g
  Worrall//Prince William's galop (=spanish dance)
  Worrall//Princess Henrietta's waltz
  Worrall//Evening waltz
  Worrall//Silver wave waltz

XXXxxx    (American)
YYYyyy    (American)
ZZZzzz    (American)

ARRANGER NOT NAMED (maybe publisher is a clue):

???//Minuet with variations for the spanish guitar (publ: Jos. F. Atwill)
???//El zapateado (publ: J.E. Gould)
???/Bellini/March from Norma (publ: E. Witzmann)
???/Mozart/The Fowler (publ: G. Willigs)
???/Sousa/Hail to the spirit of liberty march (publ: John Church)
???/Sousa/The Diplomat (publ: John Church)
???/Sousa/The Charlatan march (publ: John Church)
???/Sousa/The Bride-elect march (publ: John Church)
???/Sousa/The High school cadets march (publ: Harry Coleman)
???/Wallerstein/First love (publ: Ditson)
  ???/???/Opera march
???/Wilson/The Shepherd boy (publ: E. Witzmann)
???: MELANGE FOR THE GUITAR (publ: Fiot, Meignen)
  ???/Rossini/March (Mos`e in egitto)
  ???//4 waltzes
???: WHITE'S FAVORITE AIRS (publ: Geo. Willig)
  ???/???/Herr Cline
  ???/Coffey/Robin Adair
  ???/???/Life let us cherish
  ???/???/Turkish quick step

Catalog of European editions
Note: The European editions cataloged below are “earlier” 19th century editions. The few turn-of-the-century or later European editions are cataloged with the American editions.

AAAaaa    (European)

BBBbbb    (European)

Baumgartner/Lachner: FAVORITSTU"CKE aus den alpenscenen 'S letzti fensterln und Drei jahrln nach'm letzren fensterln
  5 Baumgartner/Lachner/Erz"ahlung des mathies Mit di fahna und trummin
  6 Baumgartner/Lachner/Lied der rosel Am sunta da hab i gottsjammerli g'woant
  7 Baumgartner/Lachner/Lied der rosel Auf der alm is a leb'n
  8 Baumgartner/Lachner/Gebet der rosel J dank da mei gott allizeit
Bayer//El ole
Brand: XII PIECES de different opera
  1 Brand/???/Marche de l'opera Agnes bernauer
  2 Brand/???/Allegretto
  3 Brand/Cherubini/Marche de l'opera Les deux journees
  4 Brand/???/Andantino de l'opera Le sacrifice interromptu
  5 Brand/Mozart/Larghetto de Figaro
  6 Brand/???/Marche de l'opera Le sacrifice interromptu
  7 Brand/???/Larghetto du meme
  8 Brand/???/Allo non molto du meme
  9 Brand/???/Andante du meme
  10 Brand/???/Allegro
  11 Brand/???/Andante de l'opera Azemia
  12 Brand/???/Maestoso quodlibet
     Brand/Mozart/Minuetto (from Don juan)

CCCccc    (European)

Carcassi op17/Rousseau/Le songe
Carcassi op18:Six airs varies
  Carcassi//La hongroise
  Carcassi//Aussitot que la lumiere
  Carcassi//Air montagnard
  Carcassi/Rossini/Di tanti palpiti
  Carcassi/???/Danse favorite du ballet d'Arsene
  Carcassi//Il pleut bergere
Carcassi op20//Air suisse varie
Carcassi op22/Coffey/Air ecossais intercale dans La dame blanche Robin Adair
Carcassi: SIX FANTAISIES sur la motifs des operas nouveaux
  Carcassi op33/Auber/La muette de Portici
  Carcassi op34/Rossini/Le comte ory
  Carcassi op35/Auber/La fiancee
  Carcassi op37/Auber/Fra diavalo
  Carcassi op38/Auber/Le dieu et la bayadere
Carcassi op44//Trois airs suisses
Carcassi op56:NO 2 Recreations musicales
  Carcassi//Air ???ndais
  Carcassi//Mazurke nationale
  Carcassi/Carafa/Cavatine de carafa
  Carcassi/???/La rive etrangere
  Carcassi//Chansonette sicilienne
Carcassi op68/Strauss/NO 2 Valses de strauss
Carcassi op69/???/Melange sur Lac des fees
Carcassi op71/Auber/Fantaisie sur Les diamans de la couronne
Carcassi op74/Auber/Melange sur La sirene
Carulli op2//L'Orage
Carulli op16//Grande sonate
Carulli op21//Trois sonates
Carulli op33//Napolean le grand au temple de la gloire
Carulli op42//Les Amours d'adonis & venus Sonate sentimentale
Carulli op44//Cendrillon
Carulli op73//Airs nationaux de tous les peuples d'europe
  1 Carulli//Vive henry IV Air Francais
  2 Carulli//Fandango Danse espagnole
  3 Carulli//God save the king Air anglais
  4 Carulli//Tarantella Danse neapolitaine
  5 Carulli//Exaur kosakr Chanson russe
  6 Carulli//Wann i in den fru"h aufsteh ai ei ei a Air tyrolien
  7 Carulli//Oh mein lieber augustin Air bohemian
  8 Carulli//Wiegenlied Air saxon
  9 Carulli//Believe me if all these endearing young charms Air irlandais
  10 Carulli//Air anglo-caledonian
  11 Carulli//Mia cara ninetta Air venitien
  12 Carulli//Le londom Air portugais
Carulli op74//Pot pourri
Carulli op332//La Parisienne Marche nationale varie
Carulli op363/Grisar/La folle Romance d'albert grisar
Coste op9/Donizetti/Divertissement sur Lucia di Lamermoor
Cuttoli: DIX ARRANGEMENTS sur des Operas Celebres
  Cuttoli/Bellini/Norma divertimento
  Cuttoli/Bellini/La sonnambula divertimento
  Cuttoli/Bellini/I puritani divertimento
  Cuttoli/Rossini/Il barbiere di siviglia divertimento
  Cuttoli/Donizetti/Lucia di lamermoor divertimento
  Cuttoli/Meyerbeer/Gli ugonotti divertimento
  Cuttoli/Gounod/Philemon et baucis
  Cuttoli/Auber/Les diamants de la couronne sinfonia
  Cuttoli/Auber/La muta di portici sinfonia

DDDddd    (European)

Diabelli/Auber: APOLLO AM DAMENTOILETTE no11 Die Stumme Von Portici La muetta de portici
  Diabelli/Auber/Cavatina des alfonso O du dem gram erkohren
  Diabelli/Auber/Arie der elvire Auf immer werd' ich mit dem theuren
  Diabelli/Auber/Guarache balletmusik
  Diabelli/Auber/Bolero balletmusik
  Diabelli/Auber/Fischerchor Wohlauf der tag erwacht ihr bru"der
  Diabelli/Auber/Erste barcarolle fischerlied Ihr freunde seht es strahlt der morgen
  Diabelli/Auber/Marktchor Herbei ihr leute gross und klein
  Diabelli/Auber/Tarantelle balletmusik
  Diabelli/Auber/Gebet Himmlische allgewalt
  Diabelli/Auber/Schlummerlied O senke su"ser schlaf
  Diabelli/Auber/Zweite barcarolle fischerlied Seht von des ufers hohen strande

EEEeee    (European)

Eulenstein Ch op2//Huit variations sur un theme favori de la suisse

FFFfff    (European)

GGGggg    (European)

  Gerdes/Reissiger/Letzter gedanke von weber
  Gerdes/Reissiger/Galopp a. Libella
  Gerdes/Rossini/Tyrolienne a. Wilhelm tell
  Gerdes/Handel/Chor a. Josua
  Gerdes/Auber/Tarantelle a. d. Stummen
  Gerdes/Bellini/Ariette a. Romeo und julia
  Gerdes/Weber/Ja"gerchor a. d. Freischu"tz
  Gerdes/Rossini/Marsch a. Tancred
Giuliani op146/Rossini/Duettino della Semiramide Serbami ognor
Giuliani E op3/Bellini/Variazioni sul theme Ah perche non posso odiarti
Giuliani E op5/Rossini/Variazioni sopra il tema Non piu mesta accanto al foco

HHHhhh    (European)

Heinemann: KLEINIGKEITEN 3 heft
  1 Heinemann/Berbiguer/Andantino
  2 Heinemann//Tyroler walzer
  3 Heinemann/Mozart/Allemande aus Don Juan
  4 Heinemann/???/Allemande
  5 Heinemann/Strauss I/Walzer
  6 Heinemann/???/Schnellwalzer aus Adlers horst
  7 Heinemann/???/Variationen u"ber ein thema aus der oper Des Falkners Braut
  8 Heinemann: 8 MOSAIQUE brillante
    Heinemann/Herold/Le siege de missolunghi
    Heinemann/Rossini/Donna del lago
  9 Heinemann/Paer/Aria aus der oper Die wegelagerer
  10 Heinemann//Wiener walzer
  11 Heinemann/Paer/Aus der oper Die wegelagerer
  12 Heinemann/???/Romance Mon soeur soupire etc. par D'aluimare
  13 Heinemann/???/Geschwind walzer
  14 Heinemann/???/Valce comique
Hu"nten//Variationen Meinem bruder wilhelm

IIIiii    (European)

JJJjjj    (European)

JDH/Oginsky/Polonaise d'oginsky

KKKkkk    (European)

Ku"ffner op22//Sechs variationen u"ber das alpenlied Wenn ich in der fru"h aufsteh
Ku"ffner op80//Vingt cinq morceaux progressifs agreables suivis d'une walze variee
Ku"ffner op263:MELANGE sur des motifs des operas
  Ku"ffner/Auber/Fra diavolo
  Ku"ffner/Rossini/Le comte ory
  Ku"ffner/Auber/Le Serment
  Ku"ffner/Rossini/Guillaume tell
Ku"ffner op269:AIRS GRACIEUX liv1
  1 Ku"ffner/Carafa/Coeur des voleurs de l'opera La prison d'edimbourg
  2 Ku"ffner/Carafa/de l'opera La prison d'edimbourg
  3 Ku"ffner/Carafa/Romance de l'opera La prison d'Edimbourg
  4 Ku"ffner/Herold/de l'opera La medicine sans medecin
  5 Ku"ffner/Herold/de l'opera La medicine sans medecin
  6 Ku"ffner/Herold/de l'opera La medicine sans medecin
Ku"ffner op270/Auber Bellini Carafa Herold/Melange sur des motifs des operas nouveaux  liv1
Ku"ffner/Donizetti/Six Airs favoris des Martyrs  Amusement du guitariste no5
Ku"ffner/Lachner/Six airs favoris de Catharina Cornaro  Amusement du guitariste no10
Ku"ffner: 1 REPERTOIRE DE NOUVELLES DANSES favorites polkas, galops, mazurkas
  1 Ku"ffner/Josephchen Ku"ffner/Polka
  2 Ku"ffner/Kliegl/Emser favorit polka
  3 Ku"ffner//Russische polka
  4 Ku"ffner/Hammer/Speyerer polka
  5 Ku"ffner/Neumann/Carnevals galopp
  6 Ku"ffner/Kliegl/Boehmischer polka
Ku"ffner: 2 REPERTOIRE DE NOUVELLES DANSES favorites polkas, galops, mazurkas
  1 Ku"ffner/Beyer/Alpenhorn polka
  2 Ku"ffner//Scherz und laune polka
  3 Ku"ffner//Mazurka l'ukrainienne
  4 Ku"ffner/P Schubert/Pariser polka
  5 Ku"ffner//Boehmischer mazurka
  6 Ku"ffner/Staab/Kreutznacher polka
Ku"ffner: 3 REPERTOIRE DE NOUVELLES DANSES favorites polkas, galops, mazurkas
  1 Ku"ffner/Kliegl/Errinerungs polka
  2 Ku"ffner/Schad/Pariser mazurka
  3 Ku"ffner/Rummel/Errinerung an wiesbaden polka
  4 Ku"ffner/Staab/Narrhala polka
  5 Ku"ffner/Simonin/Sirenen polka
  6 Ku"ffner//Augusta polka
Ku"ffner: 4 REPERTOIRE DE NOUVELLES DANSES favorites polkas, galops, mazurkas
  1 Ku"ffner/Rupp/Paulinen polka
  2 Ku"ffner/Ku"hner/Freundschafts galopp
  3 Ku"ffner//Theresien polka
  4 Ku"ffner//Babetten polka
  5 Ku"ffner//Mazurka la cracovienne
  6 Ku"ffner//Mazurka la galicienne
Ku"ffner: 5 REPERTOIRE DE NOUVELLES DANSES favorites polkas, galops, mazurkas
  1 Ku"ffner//Liebes-neckerei polka
  2 Ku"ffner/Kliegl/Apollos strahlen polka
  3 Ku"ffner//Mazurka la volhynienne
  4 Ku"ffner//Fastnachtstraum polka
  5 Ku"ffner/Scheurer/La saison a wiesbaden
Ku"ffner: 6 REPERTOIRE DE NOUVELLES DANSES favorites polkas, galops, mazurkas
  1 Ku"ffner/Rupp/Erinnerungs galopp
  2 Ku"ffner/Alary/Mazurka
  3 Ku"ffner/Burgmu"ller/Redowa polka
  4 Ku"ffner/Burgmu"ller/Ma brunette polka
  5 Ku"ffner/Mu"ller/Bonne humeur polka
  6 Ku"ffner//Prost neujahr polka
  7 Ku"ffner/Staab/Nachtwandler polka
Ku"ffner: 7 REPERTOIRE DE NOUVELLES DANSES favorites polkas, galops, mazurkas
  1 Ku"ffner/Alary/La favorite polka
  2 Ku"ffner/Rupp/Lebens funken polka
  3 Ku"ffner/Alary/Leonie polka
  4 Ku"ffner/Kliegl/Charlotten polka
  5 Ku"ffner//Neptuns galop
  6 Ku"ffner/Ku"hner/Olga polka
Ku"ffner: 8 REPERTOIRE DE NOUVELLES DANSES favorites polkas, galops, mazurkas
  1 Ku"ffner//Erinnerung an bacherach
  2 Ku"ffner/Burgmu"ller/Eglantine polka
  3 Ku"ffner/Burgmu"ller/Ma brunette polka
  4 Ku"ffner/???/Nachtlager polka
  5 Ku"ffner/Philipot/Teodora polka
  6 Ku"ffner/Liehmann/Marine polka
Ku"ffner: 9 REPERTOIRE DE NOUVELLES DANSES favorites polkas, galops, mazurkas
  1 Ku"ffner/Burgmu"ller/Valse ne touchez pas a la reine
  2 Ku"ffner/Lanner/Rondeau sur une valse
  3 Ku"ffner/Goria/Olga mazurka
Ku"ffner: 10 REPERTOIRE DE NOUVELLES DANSES favorites polkas, galops, mazurkas
  1 Ku"ffner/Burgmu"ller/Le bouquet de l'infante valse
  2 Ku"ffner/Labitzky/Arne/Rondeau sur une valse introduction rule britannia
  3 Ku"ffner/Rummel/Gloeckchen polka
Ku"ffner: 11 REPERTOIRE DE NOUVELLES DANSES favorites polkas, galops, mazurkas
  1 Ku"ffner/Wallerstein/Lorle la"ndler
  2 Ku"ffner/Wallerstein/Sieges polka
  3 Ku"ffner/Wallerstein/Lorle polka
  4 Ku"ffner/Flotow/Polka marsch aus der oper martha
  5 Ku"ffner/Bohlman/Louisetten polka
Ku"ffner: 12 REPERTOIRE DE NOUVELLES DANSES favorites polkas, galops, mazurkas
  1 Ku"ffner/Strauss/Fackelzug polka
  2 Ku"ffner/Strauss/Seufzer polka
  3 Ku"ffner/Herz/Milita"r polka
  4 Ku"ffner/Strauss/Helena polka

LLLlll    (European)

Lanner: 10 BELIEBTE WALZER und galoppen
  Lanner op99//Die schwimmer walzer
Lanner: 11 BELIEBTE WALZER und galoppen
  Lanner op100//Jubel walzer
Lanner: 14 BELIEBTE WALZER und galoppen
  Lanner op101//Die lebenswecker walzer
Lanner: 17 BELIEBTE WALZER und galoppen
  Lanner op101//Der zapfenstreich galoppe
  Lanner/Bellini/Galoppe nach beliebten motiven der oper Beatrice di tenda oder das castell von ursino
Legnani op2/Rossini/Ouverture de l'Italien a alger
  Lorgion//Galop de vienne
  Lorgion/Auber/Walse de La fiancee
  Lorgion/Auber/Walse de La fiancee
  Lorgion/???/Alpen sa"nger march
  Lorgion/Boieldieu/Valse de la Dame blanche
  Lorgion/???/Galop de Ludovic
  Lorgion/Auber/Walse de Fiorella
  Lorgion/Auber/Galop de Gustave
  Lorgion/Auber/Galop de La muetta
  Lorgion/Auber/Marche de La muetta

MMMmmm    (European)

Meissonier/Berton: MELANGE D'AIRS tires des operas
  1 Meissonier/Berton/Marche de l'opera D'aline reine de golgonde
  2 Meissonier/Berton/Air de l'opera D'aline
  3 Meissonier/Berton/Air de l'opera D'aline
  4 Meissonier/Berton/Air de l'opera D'aline
  5 Meissonier/Berton/Duo D'aline
  6 Meissonier/Berton/Bolero du Charme de la voix
  7 Meissonier/Berton/Air de Ninon
  8 Meissonier/Berton/Vaudeville de Ninon
  9 Meissonier/Berton/Boleros de Ponce de leon
  10 Meissonier/Berton/Barcarolle du Vaisseau amiral
  11 Meissonier/Berton/Air des Maris garcons introduction marche
Mertz: PORTEFEUILLE fu"r Guitarre-Spieler
  1 Mertz op16/Flotow/      Martha
  2 Mertz op17/Balfe/       Die Zigeunerin
  3 Mertz op21/Meyerbeer/   Der Prophet
  4 Mertz op22/Abt/         Agathe
  4 Mertz op22/Schubert/    Lob der thra"nen
  5 Mertz op24/Proch/       Glockento"ne
  5 Mertz op24/Lindpaintner/Die Fahnenwacht
  6 Mertz op27?/Donizetti/  Linda di chamounix
  7 Mertz op28/Mozart/      Don juan fantaisie
  8 Mertz op29/Flotow/      Alessandro Stradella fantaisie
  9 Mertz op30/Donizetti/   Belisar fantaisie
  10 Mertz op31/Auber/      Des Teufels antheil fantaisie
  11 Mertz op34/Proch/      Das Blu"mlein
  12 Mertz op35/Bellini/    Die Nachtwandlerin
  13 Mertz op62/Verdi/      Nabucco
  14 Mertz op63/Verdi/      Rigoletto
  15 Mertz op85/Nicolai/    Die Lustigen weiber von windsor
  16 Mertz op86/Verdi/      Il Trovatore
  17 Mertz op87/Donizetti/  La Favorita
  18 Mertz op88//           Russisches zigeunerlied Chant bohemien
  18 Mertz op88//           Thu"ringer volkslied
  Mertz/Balfe/Die zigeunerin
Mertz/Bellini/I montechchi ed i capuletti fantasia
Mertz: GUITAR ALBUM (no credit to Mertz; see Kuckuck)
  Mertz//National anthem (God save the king)
  Mertz/Arne/Rule britannia
  Mertz/Bishop/Home sweet home
  Mertz/Balfe/Aria from Bohemian girl
  Mertz/Lisle/La marseillaise Franch (sic) national sang (sic)
  Mertz//El zapateado Spanish national dance
  Mertz//Cracovienne Polish national dance
  Mertz//Neapolitan tarantella
  Mertz/Bihari/Rakoczy march
  Mertz//La iota andalusia
  Mertz//Cachucha Spanich (sic) national dance
Moretti op111? op3?//Tre Rondo

NNNnnn    (European)

Nacher/Meyerbeer: QUATRE THEMES de Robert le diable
  1 Nacher/Meyerbeer/Choerde buveurs et sicilienne

OOOooo    (European)

PPPppp    (European)

Picchianti/Rossini/Aria Di piacer mi balza il core nell' opera La gazza ladra

QQQqqq    (European)

RRRrrr    (European)

SSSsss    (European)

  Stoll/???/Wien neerlandsch bloed enz
  Stoll/???/Wilhelmus van nassau enz
  Stoll/???/Al is ous prinsje enz
  Stoll/???/Jo vivat!
  Stoll//Air suisse
  Stoll//Theme autrichien
  Stoll/Rossini/Priere de l'opera Othello
  Stoll/???/Theme de Rovelli
  Stoll/Bellini/Marche et choeur de l'opera Norma
  Stoll/???/Valse; valse; valse
  Stoll//Theme original
  Stoll/Kreutzer/Romance de l'opera Das nachtlager in granada
  Stoll/Auber/Theme de l'opera Le cheval de bronce
  Stoll/???/Valse; valse; valse
  Stoll/Bellini/Air de l'opera Il pirata
  Stoll/???/Romance Ma normandie
  Stoll/Kreutzer/Romance de l'opera Das nachtlager in granada
  Stoll/Donizetti/Ariette de l'opera Elisir d'amore
  Stoll/Donizetti/Cavatine de l'opera Elisir d'amore
  Stoll/Donizetti/Duetto de l'opera Elisir d'amore
  Stoll/Herold/Air de l'opera Zampa
  Stoll/Donizetti/Arie de l'opera Belisario
  Stoll/Donizetti/Arie de l'opera Belisario
  Stoll/Donizetti/Air de l'opera Roberto devreux
  Stoll/Donizetti/Theme de l'opera Roberto devreux
  Stoll/Donizetti/Theme de l'opera Il furioso
  Stoll/Donizetti/Theme de l'opera Lucia di lammermoor
  Stoll/Donizetti/Theme de l'opera Il furioso
Su"ssmann: POTPOURRIS u"ber beliebte opern melodieen no3
  Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Fille du regiment Die Regiments tochter.  Incorporates:
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Arie Heil dir
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Weiss nicht die welt
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Es ru"ckt an
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Rataplan rataplan
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Schlussmotiv aus der ouvertu"re
Su"ssmann: POTPOURRIS u"ber beliebte opern melodieen no4
  Su"ssmann/Bellini/Sonnambula.  Incorporates:
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Cavatine Lass die treure hand (only titled section)
Su"ssmann: POTPOURRIS u"ber beliebte opern melodieen no6
  Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Lucia di lammermoor.  Incorporates:
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Cavatine et chor
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Wenn er entzu"ckt vom hochgefu"hl
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Finale u. aria In kurzem wird
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Finale aria Du die schon zum himmel eilet
Su"ssmann: POTPOURRIS u"ber beliebte opern melodieen no11
  Su"ssmann/Meyerbeer/Le prophete Der prophet.  Incorporates:
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Triumphgesang Herr dich
Su"ssmann: POTPOURRIS u"ber beliebte opern melodieen no22
  Su"ssmann/Weber/Der freischu"tz. Incorporates:
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/O lasslloffnung dich beleben
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Chor der brautjungfern Wir winden dir den jungfernkranz
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Jetzt ist wohl ihr fenster offen
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Ja"ger chor Was gleicht wohl auf erden
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Leise leise fromme weise
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Cavatine Und ob die wolke
Su"ssmann: POTPOURRIS u"ber beliebte opern melodieen no26
  Su"ssmann/Verdi/Vepres siciliennes.  Incorporates:
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Ballet L'hiver
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Air et coeur Courage! du courage
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Choeur de chevaliers Celebrons ensemble
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Final III noble patrie
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Sicilienne Merci jeunes amies
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Duo Ombre sainte
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Finale III choeur O'fete brillante
Su"ssmann: POTPOURRIS u"ber beliebte opern melodieen no27
  Su"ssmann/Balfe/La gitana.  Incorporates:
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Chor Mo"get ihr froh und glu"cklich sein
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Duetto Nieder auf dein knie
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Finale 2do Preist den Himmel
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Quintetto Aus Balsamischen thal
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Romanze Im traum sah ich
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Romance mit chor Folgt der Zigeunerbraut
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Chor Wir zigeuner leben froh
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Cavatine Als der huf eurer rosse
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Cavatine Das herz von kummer tief gebeugt
    Su"ssmann/Donizetti/Schluss arie Welche seligkeit
Sychra: JOURNAL DE PETERSBOURG. 18 journals, comprising 108 pages and 144 pieces.
  Most titles are in Cyrillic only.  These are the ones with a recognizable form or title.
  2 Sychra//Tempo di marcia
  3 Sychra//Masurque
  4 Sychra//Polonaise
  5 Sychra//Cottillon
  6 Sychra//Ecosaisse
  8 Sychra//March
  14 Sychra//Andantino (with variations)
  15 Sychra//Polonaise
  18 Sychra//Thema con variationi
  20 Sychra//Valce
  26 Sychra//Masurque
  31 Sychra//Masurque
  32 Sychra//Valce
  33 Sychra//Les folier d'espagnes (Folies d'espagne)
  37 Sychra//Ecossaise
  38 Sychra//Marche
  41 Sychra//Allemande dansee par Mr. Dutac
  43 Sychra//Ecossaise a la russe
  44 Sychra//Masurque
  45 Sychra//Ecossaise
  46 Sychra//Valce
  49 Sychra//Aria
  53 Sychra//Ecossaise
  54 Sychra//Polonaise
  57 Sychra//Aria
  61 Sychra//Valce
  66 Sychra//Marche
  70 Sychra//Aria
  71 Sychra//Ekocecb
  73 Sychra//Polonaise and Trio pastorale
  75 Sychra//Aria
  76 Sychra//Masurque
  79 Sychra//Ekocecb
  85 Sychra//Ekocecb
  89 Sychra/Duscheck?/Sonata compose par Dusseck
  91 Sychra//Ekocecb
  95 Sychra//March
  97 Sychra/Rossini/Morceau choisi d'un duo Tancredi
  100 Sychra//Air de l'opera L'intrigue aux fenetre
  103 Sychra//Polonaise
  104 Sychra//March
  112 Sychra//guitar duo
  115 Sychra//Ekocecb
  116 Sychra//Andante con variat
  118 Sychra//Valze
  124 Sychra//Vous me quittez
  125 Sychra//Valze
  126 Sychra//Mazurka
  137 Sychra//Ecossaise
  141 Sychra//Air Italien La mia crudel tiranna
  142 Sychra//Valze
  143 Sychra//Mazurka

TTTttt    (European)
UUUuuu    (European)
VVVvvv    (European)

WWWwww    (European)

Wohlfahrt: APOLLO oder museum fu"r guitarre IIIr jahrg 5 und 6 heft
  Wohlfahrt//(14 numbered pieces with tempo titles.)

XYZzzz    (European)

Zani de Ferranti op1//Fantaisie sur Wan i in der fruh auf steh
Zani de Ferranti op4//Fantaisie caprice
Zani de Ferranti op6//Loin de toi caprice
Zani de Ferranti op8:Divertissement sur trois romances anglaises
  Zani de Ferranti//My heard and lute
  Zani de Ferranti/Moore/Tis the last rose of summer
  Zani de Ferranti//Alice Gray
Zani de Ferranti/Schubert/WOO La Serenade


???/Strauss/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no1 Kettenbru"cken-walzer
???/Strauss/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no2 Das leben ein tanz; der tanz ein leben walzer
???/Strauss/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no3 Tivoli freudenfest-ta"nze
???/Strauss op53/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no7 Bajadaren-walzer
???/Strauss op61/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no11 Tausend sapperment-walzer
???/Strauss op63/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no12 Der frohsinn mein ziel
???/Strauss op66/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no14 Erinnerung an pesth walzer
???/Strauss op68/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no15 Gabrielen-walzer
???/Strauss op70/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no16 Pfennig-walzer
???/Strauss op71/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no17 Elisabethen-walzer
???/Strauss op72/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no18 Cotillons aus der oper Der zweykampf
???/Strauss op75/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no19 Iris-walzer
???/Strauss op76/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no20 Rosa-walzer
???/Strauss op78/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no21 Erinnerung an berlin walzer
???/Strauss op79/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no22 Gedanken-striche walzer
???/Strauss op80/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no23 Huldigungs-walzer
???/Strauss op81/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no24 Grazien-walzer
???/Strauss op82/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no25 Philomelen-walzer
???/Strauss op83/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no26 Merkurs-flu"gel walzer
???/Strauss op88/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no29 Die nachtwandler walzer
???/Strauss op95/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no33 Bru"ssler-spitzen walzer
???/Strauss op98/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no35 Pilger am rhein walzer
???/Strauss op99/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no36 Bankett ta"nze
???/Strauss op103/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no38 Huldigung der ko"nigen victoria
???/Strauss op119/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no47 Tanz-recepte walzer
???/Strauss op120/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no48 Ca"cilien-walzer
???/Strauss op122/LIEBLINGS-WALZER no49 Palmzweige walzer
???/Strauss op124//QUADRILLEN Wiener-carneval-quadrille  Incorporates:
  ???/Strauss//1 Pantalon; 2 Ete; 3 Poule; 4 Trenis; 5 Pastourelle; 6 Finale
???/Strauss op130/QUADRILLEN Jubel-quadrille  Incorporates:
  ???/Strauss//1 Pantalon; 2 Ete; 3 Poule; 4 Trenis; 5 Pastourelle; 6 Finale
???: TROIS AIRS caracteristiques de danses nationales espagnoles

Editions for two guitars, and more
With the exception of the Justin Holland duos, this collection of American guitar duos from the Library of Congress is not the result of any effort to dig up all such pieces. There would be many times this number. Many of these duos were found among the solo guitar arrangements. I figured I might as well get them now just in case I ever decided to collect the duos. It would be a monumental job revisiting the solo guitar classes to track down the few, scattered duos.

One reason that guitar duos ended up in the guitar solo classes is that many of them had a part labeled “solo guitar”, and an optional “second guitar” part. The distinction between guitar solo and duo can be rather fuzzy.

Some of the pieces by composers at the beginning of the alphabet (A through D) did, in fact, come from the guitar duo class. Many years ago I started a search for guitar duos. However, I didn’t get very far before I got sidetracked – which is very easy to do at LC.

I have tried to track down all of the Justin Holland pieces in the Library of Congress’ collection, and the list below includes all of the guitar duos by him which I found.

The abbreviation “2g” means “this piece is for two guitars,” of course. I note this on every single line listing a guitar duo for the benefit of anyone jumping around this page. There should be no confusion as to what sort of piece you’re looking at.

Since I have so few works for three or more guitars, I have worked them into the list below. 3g = three guitars. 4g = four guitars.

Also, since I copied so few European guitar duos from the LC collection, I have worked them into this list with the note, “(european)”.

AAA    (American)

  Acker//The Adelphia waltz  2g (gtr1:DGDGBD)
  Acker//Attempt quickstep  2g
  Acker//The Delightful schottische  2g
Arnold//Sacred melodies for two guitars  2g  incorporates:
  Arnold/Mason/Nearer my god to thee  2g
  Arnold/???/Jesus lover of my soul  2g
  Arnold/???/When jesus comes   2g
  Arnold/???/Wonderful words of life  2g
  Arnold/???/Old hundred  2g

BBB    (American)

Babb//Dance of the shadows caprice  2g
Babb/Lansing/The Darkies dream  2g
  Suppus//Marcia  2g
  Suppus?//Rondo  2g
Bane//Twilight reverie  2g
Barker//Plunkety plunk schottische To imitate the banjo  3g (1st gtr prepared)
Barker/Bishop/Home sweet home  2g
Barker/Norton/Jaunita pronounced Hawaneeta  2g
Bemis//First position polka  2g
Bemis/Barnby/Sweet and low  2g
Bertioli/Carulli/ Twelve duets  2g  (european)
Bickford VO/Philippson/Pensee  2g
Bickford VO/Schubert/Fragment from the Unfinished symphony  2g
Bickford VO/Schubert/Valses nobles nos. 9 and 10  2g
Brockmeyer//Dewey schottische  2g
Brockmeyer//Imperial waltz  2g
Burke//Eloise gavotte  2g
Burke//Reliance march  2g
Burke//Rosita schottische  2g
Burke//Rustic dance  2g
Burke//Zellah a romance  2g
Burke//Zitella polka  2g
Burke//A Trip to rocky point A descriptive fantasie  2banjo/gtr/mandolin/SATB chorus  incorporates:
  Burke/Yradier/La Paloma
  Burke/???/Four little curly headed coons
Burke Wm//Carnival of venice with variations  2g  manuscript

CCC    (American)

Call//Trio tres facile  3g  (european)
Carulli/Beethoven/Andante varie & rondeau  2g  (european)
Chadwick//OPERATIC SERENADES a collection of operatic melodies  2g
  Chadwick/Donizetti/Lucrezia borgia (De pescatore ignobile)  2g
  Chadwick/Bellini/Il Puritani  2g
  Chadwick/Donizetti/Linda di chamounix  2g
  Chadwick/Donizetti/Lucia de lammermoor  2g
  Chadwick/Verdi/Ernani  2g
  Chadwick/Bellini/Norma  2g
  Chadwick/Donizetti/Lucia di lammermoor  2g
  Chadwick/Donizetti/Lucreza borgia (Ama tua madre)  2g
  Chenet//Star spangled banner  2g
  Chenet//America God save the queen Heil dir im siegerkranz  2g
  Chenet//Yankee doodle  2g
  Chenet/Lisle/La Marseillaise  2g
  Chenet//The harp that once thro' tara's halls  2g
  Chenet//Vive la canadienne  2g
Chenet//La Bostonaise gavotte  3g
Cobb//Battalion march  2g
Cobb//Forget me not fantasia  2g  incorporates:
  Cobb/Bishop/Home sweet home  2g
Cobb//In the twilight waltz  2g
Cobb//Sweet memories of thee valse  2g
Cobb/Bishop/Home sweet home varied  2g

DDD    (American)

Day//Belle of niagara two step  2g
Don***//METHODE pour aprendre a jouer de la guitarre  2g  (european)
  Don***//Premier duo  2g
  Don***//Second duo   2g
Dorn//Faded flowers mazurka  2g
Dorn//On the charles barcarolle  2g

EEE    (American)

Eaton//Sounds from the sea  2g

FFF    (American)

Foden/Glover/In the starlight  2g
Foden/Audran?/Gobble duett from Mascotte  2g
Foden/???/Beautiful moonlight  2g
Foster/Arditi/L'ingenue gavotte  2g

GGG    (American)

Gawronski//Good hope waltz  2g
Gray/Peterson/Pansy blossom waltz  2g
Gregg//Waltz Still in love  2g
Gutman//The Critic's march  ded. Kinnaman  2g

HHH    (American)

Hayden CV//Elfin gavotte  2g
Hayden CV//Elsie mazurka  2g
Heerbrugger/???/Grand grecian military march  2g
Hervey//Gianetta gavotte  2g
Holland/Suppus/Marche brillante  2g
  Holland/Godfrey/no1 Mabel waltz(es)  2g
  Holland/Godfrey/no2 Hilda waltzes  2g
  Holland/Godfrey/no5 The guard's waltz  2g
  Holland/???/no11 Corn flower valse  2g
  Holland/Faust/no14 Storm bird galop  2g
  Holland/Gounod/no1 Faust (waltz)  2g
  Holland/Gounod/no2 Faust (march)  2g
  Holland/Auber/no3 Fra diavolo  2g
  Holland/Weber/no4 Der freischu"tz  2g
  Holland/Donizetti/no5 La fille du regiment  2g
  Holland/Donizetti/no6 Lucia di lammermoor  2g
  Holland/Donizetti/no7 Lucrezia borgia  2g
  Holland/Wallace/no8 Maritana  2g
  Holland/Flotow, Moore/no9 Martha no. 1  2g
  Holland/Flotow/no10 Martha no. 2  2g
  Holland/Auber/no11 Masaniello  2g
  Holland/Weber/no12 Oberon  2g
  Holland/Bellini/no13 Norma no. 1  2g
  Holland/Bellini/no14 Norma no. 2  2g
  Holland/Verdi/no15 La traviata  2g
  Holland/Bellini/no17 Sonnambula  2g
  Holland/Verdi/no18 Vespers siciliennes Les vepres siciliennes  2g
  Holland/Donizetti/no19 La favorita  2g
  Holland/Auber/no20 Crown diamonds  2g

III    (American)
JJJ    (American)

Jacobs//Duo waltz  2g
Jacobs//Santa lucia  2g
Jacobs/Allen/Jack in the box character dance  2g
Jacobs/Bohm/So lily white dance  2g
Jacobs/Hauser/Cradle song wiegenlied  2g
Jacobs/Kenneth/Rollicking rube  2g
Jacobs/Kjerulf/Last night  2g
Jacobs/Lansing/Little sparkers danse brillante  2g
Jacobs/Mascagni/Cavalleria rusticana intermezzo  2g

KKK    (American)
LLL    (American)

Lemberg/Spindler/Fragrant violets  2g
Lhoyer//Air varie et dialogue  4g
Lopes//Aminha estrella portuguese ballad  2g
Lopes//Home by the suwannee river ballad  2g
Lopes//A Saudade ballad  2g
Lopes//La Morena cancion espanola  2g
Lopes/Balfe/Then you'll remember me Bohemian girl  2g
Lopes/Bellini/Sad hour of parting  2g
Lopes/Flotow, Moore/The Last rose of summer Martha   2g
Lopes/Verdi/Aria Il trovatore D'amor sull ali rosee  2g
Lopes/Yradier/La Paloma cancion espanola  2g

MMM    (American)

Moore//Little maiden waltz  2g

NNN    (American)
OOO    (American)

PPP    (American)

Plouvier/Boieldieu/ Ouverture du Calife de bagdad (european)  2g

QQQ    (American)
RRR    (American)

Romero//Un sueno Danza habanera  2g
Romero/Godart/Arab song  2g

SSS    (American)

Schoenefeld//Key to the heart waltz  2g
Shattuck/Cloyd/Vasa polish dance  2g
Smith JC//Diana's fantasia  2g
Smith JC//Pavan of the midnight stars  3g
Sor//L'Encouragement (european)  2g
Stobbe//Bolero  2g  (gtr 1 capo at fret 5)
Stobbe//Harp fantasie  2g  (gtr 1 capo at fret 5)
Stobbe//Tyrolienne  2g  (gtr 1 capo at fret 5)
Stobbe/Strauss/One heart one soul polka mazurka  2g  (gtr 1 capo at fret 5)
Strawinski//Zoemoo waltz  2g

TTT    (American)

Torp//INSTRUCTION BOOK FOR THE SPANISH GUITAR selected from the works of Carulli, Molino and Giuliani
  Giuliani?//Waltz  2g  (Amaj moderato 3/4 capo3)
  Giuliani?//Allemande and trio  2g  (Amaj 3/4 capo3)
  Giuliani?//Waltz and trio  2g  (Dmaj moderato 3/4 capo3)
  Giuliani?//Waltz  2g  (Amaj con brio 3/4 capo3)
  Giuliani?//Waltz  2g  (Amaj allo. 3/4 capo3)
  Giuliani?//Allemande and trio (Amaj andante 3/4 capo3)
Trussell//Pleasures of spring gavotte  2g

UUU    (American)
VVV    (American)

Vreeland//The Automaton band march  2g
Vreeland/Josselyn/Dreaming as she sleeps  2g

WWW    (American)

Weidt//Down the mississippi banjo imitation  2g
Wessenberg/Haydn/Serenade  2g
Wessenberg/Mozart/Menuetto from 6th grand symphony  2g
Wessenberg/???/Loreley  2g
Winner/Bishop/Home sweet home  2g
Winner//Star spangled banner  2g  (gtr1 only; gtr2 missing)

XYZ    (American)

???    (American)

???//April Showers  2g  (scord tablature)

American editions for voice and guitar
I haven’t made an effort to collect, or even examine, all of the songs with guitar accompaniment in the Library of Congress’ collection. It would be a massive mountain of music. I don’t have a singer friend, and doubt that there are many singers who would open up to such old-fashioned stuff, anyway. (If I’m wrong about that, and you live in the Dover, Delaware area, get in touch.) As with old American solo guitar music, I claim that there are a variety of benefits to be had from such fare, not least of which is plain old fun.

In any case, while researching Justin Holland in the Library of Congress’ collection, I found some pieces for voice and guitar. The list below includes all of his arrangements for guitar and voice which I found, plus those of his son, Justin Minor (JM) Holland. There may also be a few stragglers without a Holland connection picked up for miscellaneous reasons.


voc/gtr = for one voice and guitar
voc+/gtr = for two or more voices and guitar

I note this explicitly on every single line for the benefit of anyone jumping around this page. There should be no confusion as to what sort of piece you’re looking at.

All of the Holland pieces labeled voc+ have the same format: the verses are for a solo singer and the choruses are for an SATB vocal quartet (soprano, alto, tenor and bass.)

      *** VOICE and Guitar (voc) ***

Holland/Abt/O! ye tears! O! ye tears!  voc/gtr
Holland/Balfe/I'm a merry zingara  voc/gtr
Holland/Balfe/Norah darling don't believe them!  voc/gtr
Holland/Balfe/Sweet heart  voc/gtr
Holland/Bucalossi/Love, I will love you ever  voc/gtr
Holland/Campana/Only to see thee darling  voc/gtr
Holland/Claribel/Five o'clock in the morning  voc/gtr
Holland/Claribel/Strangers yet  voc/gtr
Holland/Claribel/Take back the heart  voc/gtr
Holland/Claribel/Weep no more darling  voc/gtr
Holland/Ganz/Sing, birdie, sing!  voc/gtr  voc/gtr
Holland/Ganz/When we went a gleaning  voc/gtr
Holland/Gill/Madoline  voc/gtr
Holland/Gounod/Flower song Faust  voc/gtr
Holland/Hutchison/Dream faces  voc/gtr
Holland/Marks/Sailing  voc/gtr
Holland/Rosabel/Bo-peep  voc/gtr
Holland/Rosabel/Peek-a-boo  voc/gtr
Holland/Rosabel/See-saw waltz song (harmony parts?)  voc/gtr
Holland/Rosabel/Sweet roses  voc/gtr
Holland/Willing/Twenty years ago  voc/gtr
Holland/???/Castles in the air  voc/gtr
Holland/???/La manola  voc/gtr
Holland/???/The poor irish boy  voc/gtr
Holland JM/Claribel/We'd better bide a wee  voc/gtr
Holland JM/Diehl/Going to market  voc/gtr
Holland JM/Lafort/Water cresses  voc/gtr
Holland JM/Moir/Good-bye sweet rose  voc/gtr
Holland JM/Putnam/New coon in town  voc/gtr
Janon/Cole/Under the bamboo tree  voc/gtr
Raoulx/O'Kelly/Floritta tempo di bolero  voc/gtr  (seems to be a French publication)
Trinkaus TP JG/Perkins/They gotta quit kickin' my dawg aroun'  voc/gtr
Weiland/Foster/Oh susanna A Popular ethiopian song  voc/gtr

       *** 2 or more VOICES and Guitar (voc+) ***

Holland/Blamphin/Meet me in the lane  voc+/gtr
Holland/Coe/When my rover comes again  voc+/gtr
Holland/Eastburn/How the gates came ajar  voc+/gtr
Holland/Hopkins/Flitting away  voc+/gtr
Holland/Kelley/The milwaukee fire  voc+/gtr
Holland/Macy/True heart, farewell  voc+/gtr
Holland/Rosabel/Dimpled hands  voc+/gtr
Holland/Williams/A boy's best friend is his mother  voc+/gtr
Holland/Work/The ship that never returned  voc+/gtr
Holland JM/Rutledge/Don't give up the old friends...  voc+/gtr
Holland JM/Vernor/Colleen avarra  voc+/gtr
Holland JM/Webster/I stand on memory's golden shore  voc+/gtr

Solo guitar “case” material at LC
“Case” is the term the music division at LC applies to rare, specially stored material. This is a list of all of the solo guitar material (classes M125-M129) in the LC case.

Don’t get too excited – there are only 13 items. The first six items listed below are in a box, the last seven are “bound” items, i.e. kept on a shelf.

1. M126.C38 P5 case

    Sonate / Polonoises et Rondeaux / Pour Guitarre / par / Carulli

    Published by Pleyel.  Plate no. 692.

    Page    Contents
    ----    --------
      2     Grande Sonate pour Guitarre
      6     Polonaise
      9     Trois Rondo pour Guitarre
     16     Polonaise. avec six Variations.

2. M127.A case

    Variaciones sobre tema del Carnaval de Venecio

    by M. S. Arevelo (manuscript)

3. M127.C case

     L'Orage / Sonate Sentimentale / pour / Guitarrer ou Lyre 

     by Fernando Carulli.  Op. 2.  Pubished by Carli.  Plate no. 276. 

4. M127.C case

     Trois / Sonates / pour Guitarre ou Lyre

     by Fernando Carulli.  Op. 21.  Pubished by Imboult.  Plate no. 933. 

    Page    Contents
    ----    --------
      2     Sonate Ia.
      5     Largo
      6     Rondeau Allegro
      8     Sonate IIa.
     12     Thema.  Larghetto.
     14     Allegretto
     16     Sonate IIIa.
     20     Romance
     20     Rondeau

--  M127.G case

    Poema Harmonico, by Francisco Guerau.  

    Consists of empty folder with note: " - Missing -  1.19.60 ".  Initialed
    by "DT".  But don't despair, a copy of the Poema Harmonico (this one?)
    can be found with the bound case items.  See below.  

5. M127.M case

    Tre / Rondo / per / Chitarra Sola

    by Federico Moretti.  Op III (on cover) or op. 111 (on pages).
    Published by Clementi, Banger... in London.

    Page    Contents
    ----    --------
      2     L'Amante
      6     La Disputa
     10     La Caccia

6. M128.T9 case
    Twelve / of the most Celebrated / English Songs / which are now in Vogue /
    Neatly adapted / for the / Guittar / and Voice

    Published by John Rutherford, London.  

    This does not look like a work for the modern guitar.  There are very
    few bass notes, although there are some full C chords.  Everything
    is in the key of C, except for one song in A minor.

(The “bound” items begin here.)

7. M126.G75

    Soaui Concenti di Sonate Musicale / Per la Chitarra Spagnuola /
    di Gio. Battista Granata / Opera Quarta / ... /
    in Bologna, per Giacomo Monti.  1659

8. M126.C83

    Varii Capricii per la Chitarra Spagnola /
    di Francesco Corbetta Pavese.  1643

9. (call no. not shown on item)

    Poema Harmonico
    Francesco Guerau.  M.DC.LXXXX.IV  (1694)

    The lack of a call no. would seem consistent with the notion that
    this is the same booklet that has been missing from the case box
    since 1960.  See above.

10. M126.C8G8

    La / Guitarrre Royalle / dediee au Roy / de la Grande Bretagne /
    composee / Francisque Corbetta  

    A librarian guessed "1670?"

11. M126.C32

    Livre / de Pieces de Guitarre et de Musique/ ...
    Compose et mis au jour Par Anthoine Carre Sieur  

    A librarian guessed "ca. 1720", but I don't know what the basis for
    that is.  The style seems similar to Corbetta's from the 1670s.  

12. M126.C22

    Nouvelles decouvertes / Sur la Guitarre / ...
    par Francois Campion

    A librarian dated it at "1705".  45 pages.  Last piece is Rondeau.  

13. M125.S57P4

    Journal de Petersburg pour la guitarre /
    par A. Sychra

    Rest of cover page in Cyrillic.  Librarian dated it "1828-29".
    All pieces for Russian 7-string guitar.
    Comprises nos. 1-18, 7 pages each.

List of GUITARISTS in the catalogs
Note: “euro” indicates a guitarist whose work is found in the European editions; “euro and amer” indicates European and American editions. Other guitarists are found in the American editions only.

AAAaaa    (Guitarists)

Abt: Valentine Abt
Acker: Daniel Acker
Aguado: Dionisio Aguado
Agut: F. de P. Agut
Amann: J. Amann
Anguera: J. de Anguera
Arevalo: Miguel S. Arevalo
Arnold: John C. Arnold

BBBbbb    (Guitarists)

Babb: A. A. Babb
Backus: Clinton E. Backus
Ballard: James Ballard
Bane: Johnson Bane
Barker: George Barker
Bateman: W. O. Bateman
Baumgartner: A Baumgartner (euro)
Bayer: Eduard Bayer (euro and amer)
Bell: Mrs. M. W. Bell
Bemis: George W. Bemis
Best: W. Truman Best
Bettencourt: J. S. Bettencourt
Bickford: Vahdah Olcott-Bickford
Bickford: Zarh Myron Bickford
Bischoff: Wilhelm F. Bischoff
Blackmar: A. E. Blackmar
Blanchour: F. Blanchour
Blantchor: Fr. Blantchor = F. Blanchour?
Bollman: H. Bollman
Bostwick: Will J. Bostwick
Brachet: Ph. Louis Brachet
Brady: J. Henry Brady
Brand: F. Brand (euro and amer)
Bridges: Vernon C. Bridges
Broca: D. Jose Broca
Brockmeyer: A. C. Brockmeyer
Brown: Geo. W. Brown
Burke: Walter Burke
Burrows: H. H. & E. H. Burrows
Burton: C. H. McD. Burton

CCCccc    (Guitarists)

Calatayud: Bartolome Calatayud
Calegari: F. Calegari
Carcassi: Matteo Carcassi (euro and amer)
Carosio: Ettore Carosio
Carulli: Fernando Carulli (euro and amer)
Carusi: Samuel Carusi
Castagna: Luciano Castagna
C. D. F.
Celorrio: P. Celorrio
Chadwick: Henry Chadwick
Chenet: Alfred Chenet
Clark: Edmund Clark
Clark: Frank W. Clark
Clarke: Harry J. Clarke
Cobb: M. M. Cobb
Coffel: Hal Coffel
Converse: C. C. Converse
Coupa: John B. Coupa
Cox: Eva J. Cox
Craley: A. A. Craley
Curtiss: N. P. B. Curtiss
Cuttoli: A. F. Cuttoli

DDDddd    (Guitarists)

Dabney: W. P. Dabney
Day: E. R. Day
Daymon: A. M. Daymon
Diabelli: Anton Diabelli (euro)
Dorn: Charles J. Dorn
Douglass: L. B. Douglass
Durand: Ch. Durand

EEEeee    (Guitarists)

Eiler: Jacob A. Eiler
Earle: Henry Edmond Earle
Eaton: Franklin Eaton
Eggleston: Ethelbert W. Eggleston
Eicherly: J. F. Eicherly
Eno: Paul Eno
Eulenstein: C. Eulenstein
Eulenstein: Ch. Eulenstein (euro)

FFFfff    (Guitarists)

Faugerstrom: J. A. Faugerstrom
Feder: Otto Feder
Ferrer: Manuel Y. Ferrer
Fischer: O. Fischer
Fiset: C. F. Elzear Fiset
Fleming: C. W. Fleming
Flint: James Flint
Flint: James Flint Jr. (=James Flint, I bet)
Flink: James Flink Jr. (=James Flint Jr., almost certainly)
Foden: William Foden
Fogg: E. E. Fogg
Fortea: Daniel Fortea
Foster: Edmund K. Foster
Fracker: Cora Robbins Fracker
Frederich: L. L. Frederich = Friedrich?
Frey: E. H. Frey
Fritz: Miss Rose Fritz

GGGggg    (Guitarists)

Garcia: Dr. Severino Garcia
Gargiulo: Enrico Gargiulo
Gawronski: Leon R. Gawronski
Gerdes: Gustav Gerdes (euro)
Gill: Elizabeth Gill
Giuliani: Emilia Giuliani (euro)
Giuliani: Mauro Giuliani (euro and amer)
Godena: A. Godena
Gould: Napolean W. Gould
Gray: Herbert Gray
Gregg: S. A. Gregg

HHHhhh    (Guitarists)

Hager: John R. Hager
Hamilton: R. J. Hamilton
Hanna: Bert Hanna
Harbaugh: E. G. Harbaugh
Harris: Charles Harris
Harris: H. W. Harris
Hartnell: A. P. Hartnell
Haskins: Harry Wolcott Haskins
Haug: Henry Haug
Hayden: Carrie V. Hayden
Hayden: Winslow L. Hayden
Headley: Bryant Headley
Heerbrugger: Emil Heerbrugger
Heinemann: Louis Heinemann (euro)
Henlein: Chas. Henlein
Henning: J. E. Henning (Johnny?)
Herbert: J. B. Herbert
Hervey: Augusta Hervey
Hildreth: R. E. Hildreth
Holmes: A. V. Holmes
Holland: Justin Holland
Holland: Justin Minor Holland
Houston: F. G. Houston
Huerta: A. T. Huerta
Hu"nten: Frantz Hu"nten (euro)

IIIiii    (Guitarists)

JJJjjj    (Guitarists)

Jacobs: Walter Jacobs
Janon: Charles de Janon
Jansen: C. W. F. Jansen
Jewell: Addie Irene Jewell
J.D.H. (euro)
Johnson: Vina Johnson
Jones: C. L. Jones
Jones: Gatty Jones
Judson: B. F. Judson
Jung: M. Jung

KKKkkk    (Guitarists)

Keefe: H. F. Keefe
Kinkel: Ch. Kinkel
Kinnaman: A. S. Kinnaman
Kitchener: W. J. Kitchener
Klohr: J. N. Klohr
Knoop: Mrs. Knoop
Korp: Jordan Korp
Kraft: O. R. Kraft
Kru"ger: Fr. J. Kru"ger
Ku"ffner: Joseph Ku"ffner (euro and amer)
Kugler: F. J. Kugler

LLLlll    (Guitarists)

Lange: A. Lange
Langey: A. Langey
Lanner: Joseph Lanner (euro)
Lano: C. S. De Lano
Leddy: G. P. Leddy
Legnani: Luigi Legnani (euro)
Lemberg: Louis Lemberg
Letcher: Beverly Letcher
Lewis: Walter Fay Lewis
Lhulier: J. B. Lhulier
Lindsey: George C. Lindsey
Lopes: Antonio Lopes
Lorgion: J. J. Lorgion (euro)
Luigi: Amelie Luigi = Amelia Luigi, I suppose
Lynde: Harry Lynde

MMMmmm    (Guitarists)

Mann: Jeanne Mann
Mansfield: D. Mansfield
Marcell: H. Marcell
Marco: Cloud Marco
Martin: D. I. Martin
Martinez: A. B. Martinez
Materi: Luigi Materi
May: D. M. H. May
McClellan: J. C. McClellan
Meignen: L. Meignen
Meissonnier (euro)
Meyer: Fred C. Meyer
Mertz: Johann Kaspar Mertz (euro and amer)
Molino: Francesco Molino
Montagna: Carlo Montagna
Moore: Annie Moore
Moore: J. F. Moore
Morena: A. Morena

NNNnnn    (Guitarists)

Nacher: P. Nacher (euro)
Napton: Frank Napton
Newton: P. W. Newton
Nillsson: Kristian Nillsson

OOOooo    (Guitarists)

Obarrio: V. Obarrio
Odell: H. F. Odell
Oehler: Fred O. Oehler
Orme: Andre de l'Orme
Ortenstein: Louis Ortenstein

PPPppp    (Guitarists)

Perez: Mariano Perez
Phipps: Osmond G. Phipps
Picchianti: Luigi Picchianti (euro)
Pique: E. Pique
Pearson: Nellie E. Pearson
Persley: Geo. W. Persley
Plante: A. H. Plante
Plumb: Frank C. Plumb
Pomeroy: C. E. Pomeroy
Prtchard: E. Pritchard
Pujol: Emilio Pujol

QQQqqq    (Guitarists)

RRRrrr    (Guitarists)

Rawson: La Q. Rawson
Repass: G. Morris Repass
Richter: M. Richter
Rieger: W. H. Rieger
Roach: Jas. F. Roach
Romero: Luis T. Romero
Rubio: G. Rubio
Rupp: W. C. Rupp
Russell: George A. Russell

SSSsss    (Guitarists)

Salvini: L. Salvini
Santisteban: G. C. Santisteban
Scherrer: Heinrich Scherrer (euro)
Schlinske: W. Schlinske
Schoenefeld: Edward Schoenefeld
Schubert: William Schubert
Schuman: A. Schuman = Charles Balmer
Shaeffer: Arling Shaeffer
Shattinger: A. Shattinger
Shattuck: B. E. Shattuck
Shide: Anton Shide
Simon: C. M. Simon
Sims: J. H. Sims
Sims: Thomas H. Sims
Sirera: Jose Sirera
Smith: F. A. Smith
Smith: J. C. Smith
Smith: W. J. Smith
Soria: Rafael de Soria
Spangenberg: C. F. Spangenberg
Stahl: Wm. C. Stahl
Stephens: J. E. Stephens
Stickles: C. H. Stickles
Stobbe: Wm. Stobbe
Stoll: Fr. Stoll (euro)
Strawinski: F. T. Strawinski
Su"ssmann: Philip Su"ssmann (euro and amer)
Sychra: Andrei Sychra

TTTttt    (Guitarists)

Tarrega: Francisco Tarrega
Taylor: W. F. Taylor
Theis: H. L. Theis
Tocaben: Louis Tocaben
Tamaro: A. Tamaro
Tozzeti: Luigi Tozzeti
Trinkaus: T.P. Trinkaus
Trinkaus: T.P. and Geo. J. Trinkaus
Trussell: H. C. Trussell
Tyrrell: R. M. Tyrrell

UUUuuu    (Guitarists)

VVVvvv    (Guitarists)

Vallo: Signor Vallo
Vorhauer: Henry Vorhauer
Vreeland: Walter Vreeland

WWWwww    (Guitarists)

Wailand: F. Wailand = Weiland?
Wanczura: Jos. Wanczura
Weidt: A. J. Weidt
Weiland: Francis Weiland
Weishaupt: Wm. Weishaupt
Wessenberg: F. W. Wessenberg
Whitelaw: W. D. Whitelaw
Wiebking: J. P. Wiebking
Willey: G. E. Willey
Williams: John H. Williams
Winkler: Ch. Ph. Winkler
Winner: Septimus Winner
Worrall: Henry Worrall

XXXxxx    (Guitarists)
YYYyyy    (Guitarists)

ZZZzzz    (Guitarists)

Zani de Ferranti: Marco Aurelio Zani de Ferranti

Yanez: Octavio (Octaviano) Yanez

List of non-guitarist COMPOSERS in the catalogs

AAAaaa    (Composers)

Aarons: Alfred E. Aarons
Abt: Franz Abt
Adam: Adolphe Charles Adam
Alary: G. Alary
Allen: Thos. S. Allen
Arditi: Luigi Arditi
Ariles: Jose Ariles
Armstrong: Harry Armstrong
Armstrong: Thos. J. Armstrong
Ascher: J. Ascher
Auber: Daniel Francois Esprit Auber
Audran: E. Audran

BBBbbb    (Composers)

Bachmann: G. Bachmann
Badarzewski: T. Badarzewski (-ska)
Bailey: E. H. Bailey
Baker: F. T. Baker
Baker: Thomas Baker
Balfe: Michael William Balfe
Ball: Ernest R. Ball
Barker: Richard Barker = R. H. Barker?
Barnby: J. Barnby
Baumbach: A. Baumbach
Baumfelder: F. Baumfelder
Bayly: Thomas Haynes Bayly
Beane: Fannie Beane
Beaumont: P. Beaumont
Becucci: E. Becucci
Beethoven: Ludwig van Beethoven
Behr: F. Behr
Bellini: Vincenzo Bellini
Bendix: Theo. Bendix
Berbiguier: T. Berbiguier
Berton: Henri Montan Berton
Beyer: F. Beyer
Bihari: Janos Bihari
Bishop: Sir Henry Bishop
Bizet: George Bizet
Blake: C. D. Blake
Blamphin: Charles Blamphin
Boccherini: L. Boccherini
Bochsa: Robert Nicolas Charles Bochsa
Bohlman: H. Bohlman
Bohm: Carl Bohm
Boieldieu: Francois Adrien Boieldieu
Boisdeffre: R. de Boisdeffre
Bonheur: Theo. Bonheur
Braga: G. Braga
Brainard: C. S. Brainard
Brainard: Henry M. Brainard
Braisted and Carter
Brand: Louis W. Brand
Bratton: John W. Bratton
Brinkmann: M. Brinkmann
Brooke: T. P. Brooke
Budik: F. Budik
Burgmu"ller: F. Burgmu"ller

CCCccc    (Composers)

Canning: Effie I. Canning = Effie I. Crockett
Carcassi: Matteo Carcassi
Carle: Richard Carle
Casey: James W. Casey
Chiara: Vicenzo di Chiara
Chilesotti: Oscar Chilesotti
Chopin: Frederic Chopin
Christie: M. Christie
Claribel (Mrs. Charlotte Arlington Barnard)
Classen: H. Classen
Cloyd: Eugene D. Cloyd
Coe: Collin Coe
Coffey: Mr. Char. Coffey
Cole: Bob Cole
Coote: Charles Coote Jr.
Corbin: A. Corbin
Cottrau: T. Cottrau
Crouch: Frederick William Nicholls Crouch
Cui: Cesar Cui
Curti: Carlos Curti
Czibulka: A. Czibulka

DDDddd    (Composers)

D'Albert: Charles D'Albert
Dana: Mrs. Dana
Damm: Friedrich Damm
Daniels: F. H. Daniels
Delibes: Leo Delibes
Demare: C. Demare
Desormes: C. L. Desormes (or L. C. Desormes?)
Devries: Herman Devries
Diaz Giles: F. Diaz Giles
Diehl: Louis Diehl
Dillea: Herbert Dillea
Doane: William Howard Doane
Donizetti: Gaetano Donizetti
Dressler: Wm. Dressler and J. S. Putman
Dreyfuss: Max Dreyfuss
Duvernoy: J. B. Duvernoy
Dusseck = Duschek? : Franz Duschek
Dvorak: Anton Dvorak

EEEeee    (Composers)

Edwards: Gus. Edwards
Edwards: Julian Edwards
Eilenberg: Rich Eilenberg
Ellis: M. Melville Ellis
Emmet: J. K. Emmet
Eulenstein: Ch. Eulenstein

FFFfff    (Composers)

Farrand: Van L. Farrand
Faure: J. Faure
Fibich: Zdenko Fibich
Fitzgibbon: D.H. Fitzgibbon
Fliege: H. Fliege
Florence: M. Florence
Flotow: Friedrich von Flotow
Foster: Stephen Collins Foster
French: H. C. French

GGGggg    (Composers)

Ganne: Louis Ganne
Ganz: Wilhelm Ganz
Gaunt: Percy Gaunt
Gautier: Leonard Gautier
Geibel: Adam Geibel
Giece: T. Giece = Th. Giese?
Giese: Th. Giese
Giese: J. Giese
Gill: Edward J. Gill
Gillet: E. Gillet
Glover: S. Glover
Godard: D. W. Godard
Godfrey: Daniel Godfrey
Goetze: Carl Goetze
Goria: A. Goria; Alexandre Edouard Goria
Gottschalk: Louis Moreau Gottschalk
Gounod: Charles Gounod
Green: Frank Green
Grisar: Albert Grisar
Grover: A. D. Grover
Guckert: E. N. Guckert
Gumbert: F. Gumbert
Gungl: Joseph Gungl = Gung'l = Gungel
Gurlitt: Cornelius Gurlitt
Gutman: F. O. Gutman

HHHhhh    (Composers)

Hall: R. B. Hall
Hammer: G. Hammer
Hammond: Davenport Hammond
Hanby: Benjamin Russell Hanby
Harrison: Annie Harrison
Haskins: Arthur H. Haskins
Hastings: Thomas Hastings
Hauser: M. Hauser
Haydn: Josef Haydn
Hays: Will S. Hays
Heartz: H. L. Heartz
Heelan: Will A. Heelan and J. Fred Helf
Henry: S. R. Henry
Herbert: Victor Herbert
Herold: Louis Herold
Herrmann: H. Herrmann
Herve: Florimond Ronger Herve
Herz: H. Herz; Heinrich Herz = Henri Herz
Hindley: Thomas Hindley
Hitz: Franz Hitz
Hoffman: August Wm. Hoffman
Hoffman: C. A. Hoffman
Hoffman: Gertrude Hoffman
Holbrook: Catharine Holbrook
Holst: Eduard Holst
Ho"lzel: G. Ho"lzel
Hook: Tom Hook
Hopkins: A. A. Hopkins
Horwitz and Bowers
Hutchison: Wm. M. Hutchison

IIIiii    (Composers)

JJJjjj    (Composers)

Jadassohn: Salomon Jadassohn
Janssen: B. H. Janssen
Ja"rnefelt: Armas Ja"rnefelt
Josselyn: A. S. Josselyn
Jullien: Louis Antoine Jullien

KKKkkk    (Composers)

Kelley: J. W. Kelley
Kelly: John T. Kelly
Kenneth: W. D. Kenneth
Kiallmark: G. Kiallmark
King: Rudolf King
Kinkel: Ch. Kinkel
Kjerulf: Halfdan Kjerulf
Klein: Manuel Klein
Kliegl: A. H. Kliegl
Kneass: Nelson Kneass = Kniess
Knight: Joseph Philip Knight
Ko"hler: L. Ko"hler
Kottaun: Celian Kottaun
Krell: W. H. Krell
Kreutzer: C. Kreutzer
Kru"ger: Fr. J. Kru"ger
Ku"cken: F. Ku"cken
Ku"hner: W. Ku"hner
Kummer: Clare Kummer

LLLlll    (Composers)

Labitzky: Aug. Labitzky; August Labitzky
Labitzky: Josef Labitzky
Lachner: F. Lachner
Lachner: Ignaz Lachner
Lacome: Paul Lacome
Lafort: Jules Lafort
Lange: Gustav Lange
Lange: O. Lange
Langey: O. Langey
Langford: L. J. Langford
Lanner: Joseph Lanner; Joseph Franz Karl Lanner
Lansing: Geo. L. Lansing
Lassen: E. Lassen
Latshaw: Chas. E. Latshaw
Lebierre: O. Lebierre
Lecocq: Charles Lecocq
Lehar: Franz Lehar
Le Thiere
Lewis: W Lewis
Lichner: H. Lichner
Liehmann: J. Liehmann
Liliuokalani: H. R. H. Lydia Kamekeha Liliuokalani
Lindpaintner: Peter Joseph von Lindpaintner
Lisle: Claude Rouget de Lisle
Loeschorn: Albert Loeschorn = A. Loeshhorn?
Loeshhorn: A. Loeshhorn
Lopez: (no first name given) = Antonio Lopez?
Lopez: Antonio Lopez
Loraine: Wm. Loraine
Loretz: J. Loretz
Lortzing: A. Lortzing
Louis XIII
Lover: S. Lover
Lowthian: C Lowthian
Luders: Gustav Luders
Luther: Martin Luther
Lvov: Alexis Lvov
Lynde: Harry Lynde

MMMmmm    (Composers)

Mack: E. Mack
Mackie: W. H. Mackie
Macy: J. C. Macy
Mann: Nat Mann
Mantz: J. K. Mantz
Marie: Gabriel Marie
Marks: Godfrey Marks
Martin: S. Wesley Martin
Mascagni: Pietro Mascagni
Mason: Lowell Mason
Matherly: W. J. Matherly
Mattei: Tito Mattei
Maywood: Geo. Maywood
McMullen: Chas. McMullen
Mendelssohn: Felix Mendelssohn
Messager: Andre Messager
Metra: Olivie Metra
Meyerbeer: Giacomo Meyerbeer
Meyer-Helmund: Eric Meyer-Helmund
Michaelis: J. Ben Michaelis
Michel: Vetter Michel
Milburn: Richard (Dick) Milburn
Moir: Frank L. Moir
Molloy: J. L. Molloy
Moore: (no first name given) = Raymond Moore?
Moore: Raymond Moore
Moore: Thomas Moore
Moszkowski: Moritz Moszkowski
Mozart: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mu"ller: F. Mu"ller

NNNnnn    (Composers)

Neumann: E. Neumann
Neumann: S. Neumann
Nevin: Ethelbert Nevin
Nevin: George Balch Nevin
Nicolai: Carl Otto Ehrenfried Nicolai
Norton: Mrs. Norton

OOOooo    (Composers)

O'Connor: Lawrence B. O'Connor
Oesten: Theodor Oesten
Oettl: Julius Oettl
Offenbach: Jacques Offenbach
O'Hare: Wm. Christopher O'Hare

PPPppp    (Composers)

Pacher: Joseph Adalbert Pacher
Paderewski: Ignace J. Paderewski
Parlow: A Parlow
Paull: E. T. Paull
Pease: Alfred H. Pease
Pendergrass: A. Pendergrass
Pergolese: G. B. Pergolese
Perlet: Herman Perlet
Perrin: Sidney Perrin
Peterson: W. O. Peterson
Philipot: J. Philipot
Philippson: M. Philippson
Phillips: Philip Phillips
Phillips: Walter Phillips
Pinna: de Pinna
Planquette: J. R. Planquette
Proch: Heinrich Proch
Puccini: Giacomo Puccini
Putnam: J. S. Putnam

QQQqqq    (Composers)

RRRrrr    (Composers)

Reeves: D. W. Reeves
Reinhold: H. Reinhold
Reissiger: Karl Gottlieb Reissiger
Resch: Joh. Resch
Rice: Edward E. Rice
Robyn: Alfred G. Robyn
Roeder: Otto Roeder
Rollinson: T. H. Rollinson
Root: George Frederick Root
Rossini: Gioacchino Antonio Rossini
Rousseau: Jean Jacques Rousseau
Rowell: G. H. Rowell
Rubens: Paul Rubens
Ruliston: W. H. Ruliston
Rummel: J. Rummel
Rupp: A. Rupp
Rutledge: John T. Rutledge

SSSsss    (Composers)

Saint-Saens: Camille Saint-Saens
Sankey: Ira David Sankey
Schacht: A. M. Schacht
Schad: J. Schad
Scharwenka: Franz Xaver Scharwenka
Scheurer: C. Scheurer
Schrammel: Johann Schrammel
Schubert: Franz Schubert
Schubert: P. Schubert
Schumann: Robert Schumann
Schu"tt: Edouard Schu"tt
Scott: Lady John Scott
Seidel: Clemens Seidel
Shattuck: B. E. Shattuck
Sidney: Clarence R. Sidney
Silberberg: J. A. Silberberg
Simonin: M. Simonin
Sloane: A. Baldwin Sloane
Smith: John Stafford Smith
Smith: Seymour Smith
Smith: Sidney Smith
Snow: E. A. Snow
Sousa: John Philip Sousa
Spilman: J. E. Spilman
Spindler: F. Spindler
Spink: G. A. Spink
Staab: J. Staab
Stannard: Geo. Stannard
Starr: Hattie Starr
Sterrett: Robert M. Sterrett
Stevens: Geo. Stevens
Stevenson: Sir John Stevenson
Stiehl: Heinrich Stiehl
Strauss: J. Strauss
Strauss: Johann Strauss
Stromberg: John ("Honey") Stromberg
Stults: R. M. Stults
Sullivan: Dan. J. Sullivan
Suppe: Franz von Suppe
Sweet: A. S. Sweet

TTTttt    (Composers)

Thomas: (C. L.) Ambroise Thomas
Thomas: John Rogers Thomas
Thome: Francis Thome
Thornton: James Thornton
Thurston: Edwin L. Thurston
Tobani: Theo. Moses Tobani
Tosti: F. Paulo Tosti
Trinkaus: Geo. J. Trinkaus
Trotere: H. Trotere
Tucker: Henry Tucker

UUUuuu    (Composers)

Udall: Lyn Udall

VVVvvv    (Composers)

Varnschein: Francis Varnschein
Verdi: Giuseppi Verdi
Verner: H. C. Verner
Vernor: Max Vernor
Vieuxtemps: Henri Vieuxtemps
Vogt: Jean Vogt

WWWwww    (Composers)

Wade: John F. Wade
Wagner: J. F. Wagner
Wagner: Richard Wagner
Waldmann: L. Waldmann (Waldman)
Waldteufel: Emile Waldteufel
Wallace: Wm. V. Wallace
Wallerstein: A. Wallerstein; Anton Wallerstein
Wathall: Alfred G. Wathall
Watson: M. Watson
Weber: Karl Maria von Weber
Webster: Joseph Philbrick Webster
Weidt: H. Weidt
Weigl: Joseph Weigl
Wellings: Milton Wellings
Wely: Lefebure Wely
White: C. A. White
White: Constance V. White
Whitney: Howard Whitney
Wieniawski: Henri Wieniawski
Wilder: G. H. Wilder
Wilhelm: Carl Wilhelm
Williams: Ben Williams
Willing: Wm. Willing
Wilson: G. D. Wilson
Witmark: Frank M. Witmark
Witt: Max S. Witt
Wood: Carl Paige Wood
Work: Henry Clay Work
Wrighton: W. T. Wrighton
Wyman: Addison P. Wyman

XXXxxx    (Composers)
YYYyyy    (Composers)


ZZZzzz    (Composers)


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