
Mudarra’s Harp Fantasy: History and Analysis

It is the Fantasia que contrahaze la harpa en la manera de Ludovicv [Fantasia that imitata  the harp in the style of Ludovico] that has secured the vihuelist Alonso Mudarra a place among those renaissance musicians whose music is  frequently  performed today.  First published in  his “Tres Libros de Musica en Cifras para Vihuela” (Seville:  ]uan  de Leon,  1546), both  the  novelty of sormd and the ingenuity of conception have guaranteed Mudarra’s fantasia a lasting  attraction among vihuelists,  lutenists  and  guitarists.

Many guitar transcriptions have been published and, apart from individuality of fingering, most agree with the modifications to the original tablature that appear in  Emilio Pujol’s standard critical edition of Mudarra’s Tres Libros . A facsimile of the original edition is also currently available. The purpose  of  this  article  is  to demonstrate the uniqueness of the Fantasia a que contrahaze la harpa among fantasias  for the vihuela. it is the earliest known set of variations on the Folia, written by Mudarra to emulate a renowned harpist of a previous generation

Mudarra’s Harp Fantasy: History and Analysis. Australian Guitar Journal 1 (1989)

By John Griffiths

Mudarra’s Harp Fantasy: History and Analysis

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