
An Evaluation of the Use of Fingernail in Classical Guitar Training According to the Expert Opinions

Ümit Kubilay Can & Umut Volkan Yılmaz

Can, U.K. & Yilmaz, U.V. (2019). An Evaluation of the Use of Fingernail in Classical Guitar Training According to the Expert Opinions . Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 14(4), 62-89. doi: 10.29329/epasr.2019.220.4

The aim of this study is to evaluate the use of fingernail in classical guitar playing considering expert opinions. Interview questionnaire forms have been generated under three categories; the length, structure, shape and use of fingernail, fingernail care and products; and fingernail problems and solutions. This study is a quantitative study based on the descriptive approach. The sample of the study is formed from 27 experts in the field of guitar education. The data of the study has been collected by using survey technique with 17 open-ended questions created by the researchers. Tables of opinions, frequencies and percentages have been generated through the evaluations of the expert opinions. As a result of the study, it has been understood that there are shared and different point of views upon the use of fingernail in classical guitar playing. In addition, the experts have been asked about the suggestions upon how physical differences affect fingernail length and shape, how the correct fingernail shape and length should be and how proper fingernail for playing classical guitar can be maintained.

An Evaluation of the Use of Fingernail in Classical Guitar Training According to the Expert Opinions



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