
Regino Sainz de la Maza

Allan Clive Jones

 Note: These two articles were published in Classical Guitar in August 2000 (pages 20-24) and September 2000 (pages 50-53), when Rodrigo’s Toccata and Henri Collet’s Briviesca were unknown. Both pieces are mentioned in Part 2. In the versions of the articles published in 2000 I referred to these works as unknown, and possibly lost. Both pieces were rediscovered after these articles were first published. In March 2015 I revised the articles to take account of the fact that both pieces were now available. The articles were further revised in August 2020.

Although Regino Sainz de la Maza (1896–1981) enjoys an honoured place in musical history as the dedicatee and first performer of Rodrigo’s Concierto de Aranjuez, to most guitarists he remains a somewhat shadowy figure – at least in the UK. In these two articles I hope to offer some glimpses into the early career of this remarkable musician by looking at some reviews dating from the 1920s, and at a substantial piece of journalism written by him in the early 1930s. I do not pretend my two articles will bring Sainz de la Maza out of the shade and into the full blaze of daylight, but some of the material will, I hope, cast new light on him. At the very least, I think there are some surprises in store

Regino Sainz de la Maza

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