
Tracing the Segovia style: Collaboration and composition in the guitar Sonatinas of Mario Ponce

Richard R. Knepp

Andrés  Segovia  was  the  primary  voice  in  the  world  of  classical  guitar  performanceduring the first half of the twentieth-century. He collaborated with various composers, including Manuel M. Poncein an effort to expand the guitar’s repertoire. Many of the composers Segovia worked with did not play the guitar, making his editorial influence a necessity. This document explores  a  possible  link  between  the  performer’s  collaborative  influence  and  the  composer’s interpretive intent.
An examination of the Segovia style reveals an interpretive approach that is based on a consistent  method  for fingering  and  arranging  music  on  the  classical  guitar.   The  first performance edition in this document details the Segovia style by modifying the urtext based on two  sources:  Segovia’s  published  performance  edition  and  a  recording  made  by  Segovia  over thirty  years  after  the  initial  publication  date.   The  second  performance  edition  applies  theSegovia style to a composition that has survived without Andrés Segovia’s editorial influence.

Tracing the Segovia style: Collaboration and composition in the guitar Sonatinas of Mario Ponce

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