
Spanish Guitarists in Nineteenth-Century São Paulo

Flavia Prando

This article explores the presence and activities of guitarists in nineteenth-century São Paulo. Drawing on reviews written by the pianist Alexandre Levy in 1890, I analyze concerts by Martínez Toboso and Gil-Orozco, two Spanish guitarists whose duo seems to have been the first to perform formal concerts in São Paulo. I also investigate Gil-Orozco’s subsequent work in São Paulo, where he lived for seventeen years (1890–1907), playing an essential role in the guitar’s development in the city.

Translated by Diogo Alvarez. This article was first published in Portuguese as “Presença de violonistas espanhóis em São Paulo no século XIX,” Revista Vórtex (Curitiba) 8, no. 3 (2020).

Prando, Flavia. 2021. “Spanish Guitarists in Nineteenth-Century São Paulo.” Soundboard Scholar 7, (1).

Spanish Guitarists in Nineteenth-Century São Paulo

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