
The Guitar Music Collection of Justin Holland

Coldwell, Robert. 2023. “The Guitar Music Collection of Justin Holland.” Soundboard Scholar 9, (1).

Although much information is available about Holland’s biography and compositions, little research has been done on how he acquired his deep knowledge of the guitar and how he may have interacted with other guitarists of his day.

Some years after Justin Holland’s death in 1887, his son, Justin Minor Holland, claimed to have “one of the most elaborate libraries of guitar music, mostly of old masters.” This collection could give more insight into the activities of guitar music collectors and guitarists in the United States of the 19th century. After much research, seven bound volumes of guitar music have been discovered which can be traced back to Justin Holland. This article puts the contents of these volumes into context and includes facsimiles and engravings of unpublished work by Holland and Zani de Ferranti.

The Guitar Music Collection of Justin Holland

Additional Files

The Battle of Waterloo ed_Coldwell.pdf (207 kB)
Holland’s Battle of Waterloo, ed. Coldwell
Battle of Waterloo Holland MS.pdf (29632 kB)
Holland’s manuscript of The Battle of Waterloo
Ferranti Ronde des Fees Finale ed. Coldwell.pdf (76 kB)
Finale to Ferranti’s Ronde des Fées, ed. Coldwell
Ferranti Rondoletto a la Kosaque ed. Coldwell.pdf (144 kB)
Zani de Ferranti Rondoletto à la Kosaque ed. Coldwell
Ferranti Rondoletto a la Kosaque – ms.pdf (41510 kB)
Zani de Ferranti Rondoletto à la Kosaque MS
WSU vol 1.pdf (141 kB)
Washington State University vol. 1 catalog
WSU vol 2.pdf (62 kB)
Washington State University vol. 2 catalog
WSU vol 3.pdf (65 kB)
Washington State University vol. 3 catalog
Holland obit 1887.pdf (5682 kB)
Holland’s 1887 obituary
Shaeffer on JM Holland 1934.jpg (1865 kB)
Shaeffer’s reminiscence of J.M. Holland
Ferranti Rondoletto a la Kosaque – ms.pdf (41510 kB)
Zani de Ferranti Rondoletto MS
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