Categoría: GENERAL

- Rethinking tradition : towards an ethnomusicology of contemporary flamenco guitar

- The assimilation of jazz aesthetics in the work of post 1970′s electric guitarist composers

- The Confluence of jazz and classical music from 1950 to 1970

- John Dowland, celebrity lute teacher

- Form in Paul Simon’s music

- Classical Guitar Method Volume I (Beginner)

- New optical process of making a guitar

- Acoustic Timbre Enhancement of Guitar Pickup Signal with Digital Filters

- Marco Pereira: Brazilian Guitar virtuoso

- Improvisation and learning processes in organizations: A metaphor applying the brazilian rhythm choro

- Villa-Lobos´s Cinq Preludes: An analysis of influences

- Analytical Perpectiveson on Three Groundbreaking Composers for Guitar: Villa-Lobos, Martin and Britten

- An Analysis of Astor Piazzolla’s Histoire du Tango for Flute and Guitar and the Influence of Latin Music on Flute Repertoire

- The flute and guitar duo: the development of an equal partnership

- A Survey of Four Original Works for Clarinet and Guitar and Their Effect on Compositional Output for the Repertoire

- The Solo Guitar Music of Carlo Domeniconi: An exploration of the diverses influences

- An Annotated Bibliography of Works by the Brazilian Composer Sérgio Assad

- Sérgio Assad’s Aquarelle and Fantasia Carioca: A Performer’s Guide

- Guidelines for Transcribing Baroque Lute Music for the Modern Guitar, Using Silvius Leopold Weiss’s Sonata

- Contemporary Mexican Classical Guitar Music at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century: Selected Compositions 1988-2003

- Music of Ceyhun Saklar. How does Saklar use Anatolian Music on his Compositions?

- The Impact of Anatolian Music on Classical Guitar Repertoire

- A Humanistic Reading of Gaspar Sanz “Instruccion de música sobre la guitarra Española”

- Mauro Giuliani: Instrumental and Vocal Style in Le Sei Rossiniane

- Turkish Musical Influences upon Carlo Domeniconi’s Variations on an Anatolian Folk Song and Koyunbaba: Implications for Performance

- A transcription and style analysis of the fantasias of Esteban Daza’s Libro de musica en cifras para Vihuela intitulado el Parnasso

- Brief History of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar

- The Seven-String Guitar in 19th-Century Russian Culture

- A performance edition with critical commentary on Joaquin Rodrigo’s “Invocación y Danza”

- Heinrich Albert and the First Guitar Quartet

- The stringing of the 5-course guitar

- At Court and at Home with the Vihuela de mano: Current Perspectives of the Instrument, its Music and its World

- Santa Maria and the Printing of Instrumental Music in Sixteenth-Century Spain

- Jazz Guitar Chord Melody Basics

- Strategies in jazz guitar improvisation

- Guitar Performance in the Nineteenth Centuries and Twentieth Centuries

- Teaching materials (jazz guitar)

- Jazz Etudes for guitar

- Interpretive Left-Hand Fingerings for Lute in Nicholas Vallet’s “Le Secret des Muses”

- Subjective preference of classical guitar strokes “apoyando” and “tirando” related to its harmonic components and autocorrelation function

- Paradigm for effective pre-college classical guitar methodology: a case study of two models of effective instruction

- Modal parameter variability in industrial electric guitar making: Manufacturing process, wood variability, and lutherie decisions

- The Sound of Trees: Wood Selection in Guitars and Other Chordophones

- Good Vibrations, Strings Attached: The Political Ecology of the Guitar