
Contemporary Mexican Classical Guitar Music at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century: Selected Compositions 1988-2003



The purpose of this dissertation is to discover if Arturo Fuentes’ Primer Interludio incorporates a number of stylistic features typical of guitar music written by Mexican contemporaries from 1988 to 2003. These features include the use of complex musical notation, highly disjunct melodic contour, extended techniques, innovative timbres, rhythmic complexity, rapidly changing dynamics, atonality, percussive effects and repetitive rhythmic and/or melodic cells.
As a point of departure a list of guitar works by representative Mexican composers was compiled. From this list the following works were chosen since they exemplify the stylistic trends I wish to highlight: Tres Instantáneas(1988) by Manuel Enríquez, Sonata (1992) and Elegía 2 (2000) by Hebert Vázquez, Haikus(2000) by Ana Lara, Sydolira(2000) by Gabriela Ortíz, and Impello(2003) by Francisco Javier González Compeán.

Alejandro Lazo

Contemporary Mexican Classical Guitar Music at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century: Selected Compositions 1988-2003

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