Author Archives: admin

- The Making of a Cultural Icon: The Electric Guitar

- A comparative analysis of two guitar transcription of Isaac Albeniz´s Granada

- Music Theory For Flamenco

- Toque Flamenco: The Flamenco Guitar

- The Flamenco Guitar lessons

- The Confluence of jazz and classical music from 1950 to 1970

- Fernando Sor, sheet music for guitar

- Dionisio Aguado, sheet music for guitar Op.1 – Op.15

- Francisco Tarrega, sheet music for Guitar

- Lute Realizations for the English Cavalier Songs (1630 – 1670) A Guide for Performers

- Intabulations of Music by Josquin des Prez in Lute Books Published by Pierre Phalèse, 1547-1574.

- Where Has Fortune Gone Music-Iconographical Problems in Sultzbach’s Viola da Mano Books

- John Dowland, celebrity lute teacher

- Form in Paul Simon’s music

- Rethinking tradition : towards an ethnomusicology of contemporary flamenco guitar

- Expansion of electronic guitar performance practice through the application and development of interactive digital music systems

- The assimilation of jazz aesthetics in the work of post 1970′s electric guitarist composers

- Harpsichord and lute music in seventeenth-century France : an assessment of the influence of lute on keyboard repertoire

- The five-course guitar and seventeenth-century harmony : Alfabeto and Italian song

- English Lute manuscripts and scribes 1530-1630

- Towards a physical model of the guitar

- Acoustic guitar practice and acousticity : establishing modalities of creative practice

- The Guitar in the Romantic Period: its musical and social development, with special reference to Bristol and Bath

- The guitar works of Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco : editorial principles, comparative source studies and critical editions of selected works

- Strategies in jazz guitar improvisation

- Electric guitar pickup caracterization and modelling

- The Role of the Jazz Guitarist in Adapting to the Jazz Trio , the Jazz Quartet, and the Jazz Quintet

- Taking Care of your Lute

- An introduction to gut strings on the lute

- The Guitar in the Romantic Period: its musical and social development, with special reference to Bristol and Bath

- An Interdisciplinary Study of the Timbre of the Classical Guitar

- A physical investigation into some factors affecting the musical performance of the guitar

- Was Francisco da Milano a Viola da Mano Player

- Quando io penso al martire comparing sixteenth-century intabulations

- Neopolitan (Viola da Mano) Tablature

- An Invisible Notation: On the Invention of German Lute Tablature

- Solo Lute Practice in Italy before Petrucci

- The First Printed Lute Instruction, Petrucci’s Regola

- The Just Intonation Guitar Works of Lou Harrison, James Tenney, and Larry Polansky

- Julian Bream’s 20th Century Guitar: An Album’s Influence on the Modern Guitar Repertoire

- A perfomance edition of the six solo romances of Luys Milán and Luys de Narváez

- At Court and at Home with the Vihuela de mano: Current Perspectives of the Instrument, its Music and its World

- Mudarra’s Harp Fantasy: History and Analysis

- Hearing connections: an actor-network study of online guitar activities